Monday, February 4, 2008

Metaphysics Kicks Ass! Pt. I

I came from my parents which came from the DNA of their ancestors which came from building blocks of amino acids in the water which came from the particles that originated with the birth of the sun which came from the death of another sun and it continues like this on and on until the big bang because a sun is just a lot of hydrogen and a little helium which are just matter and all matter came from the big bang which was just all of space, time, matter and energy in a dot the size of a standard comma that exploded but that means all matter may have existed already within that dot or at least the potential for all matter but where did that dot exist within?

Maybe it was a splash in the ocean of another universe. We just don’t know. We don’t know what made it explode either. That’s where the idea of the dot exploding because of a purpose, such as an intelligent being setting it in motion, comes into play. “Let there be light”. But don’t some people refer to God as light? Was God originating himself, or performing some sort of mitosis or meiosis to reproduce from itself? A vacuum? A circle? A circle-vacuum? Maybe a continuation of the birth-rebirth-cycle- like linear genesises (genisi?). Or maybe it’s not just linear, but each time the cycle is repeated, it has expanded over time- as if it were growing. Maybe that expands each time, until God realizes himself through manifestations of the dimensions of the universe (space-time-matter-energy are just manifestations of God that he is or isn’t limited to). (Maybe it contracts again once it moves on to the next stage, and everyone who connected to the source made it on to form a new higher power, but we all have a chance to catch the next boat?)

If God isn’t limited to the universe, that would make sense, because God could be the sum of an infinite amount of space that encompasses everything that exists, as if the universe were a dot that could fit under God’s microscope. Or maybe when God said “light”, did he mean “light” as in stars (hydrogen and helium), or electricity, or the primal force or energy that holds the universe together? Because stars aren't the only things that shine- spirituals and John Lennon proclaim there is a light inside that shines on forever. Possibly the energy of our souls have God’s light in them, thereby making all my theories for “let there be light” correct. Maybe everything in the whole universe has this light inside, but humans, because of our nature (the pineal gland known as the “God spot”), are the only ones conscious of it and can tap into our third eye (maybe dolphins can too, because their brains are bigger).

The implications of science can be a stunning cause for unity and religion-
The spiral staircase double helix spheric 0 and 1 and infinity cyclical expansion/contraction hourglass shapes vibrations waves are all constant in nature. The universe is 99% hydrogen in the elementrary sense and 90% of this mysterious force known as dark matter, the earth is 70% water and the human body is 70% water (keep in mind water is mostly hydrogen, but where does dark matter fit in? the soul? Electricity? The source?) Humans are genetically 99.9% the same- only a tiny twist in DNA supplies all the variations of human life today. The brain and the power of belief are so powerful that we are only beginning to make sense of what mystical religions have known forever- we are capable of supernatural, telekinetic and divine powers.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

“Dolphins Commit Suicide, Not Realizing They Are God” (An R&B Gnostic Psalm)

“Dolphins Commit Suicide, Not Realizing They Are God” (An R&B Gnostic Psalm)

Like an asteroid that got hit too many times
And never got to form a sphere
Your psyche is oblong
It’s been traumatized
It needs tenderness to fill the craters

It needs love to complete the circle
In order to finish what it started
You need to change your life
I said you need to let God in there
Or at least let your guard down for a lover in your life

Life is what you make it
Seeing is not believing
I have found
Seeing is not believing
It’s the other way around
So do what you love
Baby do what you love
Do what you love
Baby do what you love
Live your life as if it was sent from above
You can be anyone, your soul it can’t be crushed
If you just believe
Then you will see
Seeing is not believing
If you believe
Then you will see
If you just believe alright
Then you will see the light
Seeing is not believing
It’s the other way around
That is what I’ve found

Have you ever done something so loving
That you made someone’s day?
Have you ever said something so wise
That you couldn't believe it came from your head?
You got a light inside, you gotta let it shine

Have you ever looked in the mirror on a good day
And said I look as good as I feel?
Or created something so beautiful?
Because you got the light inside of you
It reflects in everything you do
And when you doubt that you're divine, it makes me want to cry

Life is what you make it
Seeing is not believing
I have found
Seeing is not believing
It’s the other way around
So do what you love
Baby do what you love
Do what you love
Baby do what you love
Live your life as if it was sent from above
You can be anyone, your soul it can’t be crushed
If you just believe
Then you will see
Seeing is not believing
If you believe
Then you will see
If you just believe alright
Then you will see the light
Seeing is not believing
It’s the other way around
That is what I’ve found

A pessimist will go through the day
And see things that only support his philosophy
While a person with an attitude that’s positive
Will find everyday miracles and God because
Their beliefs are a self-fulfilling prophesy

You are truth (you are truth)
You are love (you are love)
You are beauty (you are beauty)
You are the highest idea you could have of yourself
Sometimes it seems like you’re going backwards
Because life it goes in cycles
But every time you return to the same old temptation places you’ve been before
You come back a whole lot wiser, that is, if you allow yourself to grow

We can never say we’re better off alone
We’re just a thought in God’s brain
If other thoughts weren’t being created
We wouldn’t know what we were
Cause we’d have nothing to compare in relation
We'd be a zero
So look at your brothers and sisters with respect
We all got reasons to be here
We all do stuff that hurts
Rise above the pain and be a hero

But the time will come when we die
When we reckon ourselves as the source:
The spirit in the mind
Until then we can only guess
And thus we’re only human

Life is what you make it
Seeing is not believing
I have found
Seeing is not believing
It’s the other way around
So do what you love
Baby do what you love
Do what you love
Baby do what you love
Live your life as if it was sent from above
You can be anyone, your soul it can’t be crushed
If you just believe
Then you will see
Seeing is not believing
If you believe
Then you will see
If you just believe alright
Then you will see the light
Seeing is not believing
It’s the other way around
That is what I’ve found

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Questionnaire to Help You be a Person of Conviction

Forming an Ideology:
By Answering these Questions Thoughtfully, You Can Find out What You Know For Sure and Be A Person of Convictions.

In my ideal world, in what way would people act differently?

How can I be the change I want to see in the world?

What morals are common sense to me that other people don’t seem to get? How can we as a society work together for these higher ideals?

How can I balance your obligations to your body and your mind?
Anything else comes second: family, friends, teachers, bosses. If you don’t have your health, both physical and mental, then you are useless to them.
What kind of people am I attracted to? What patterns and cycles do I fall into?

What are my strengths and weaknesses both personality wise and activity wise?
If you don’t build on your strengths and weaknesses, then you are like a flower that never blossomed, or a caterpillar that never morphed into a butterfly.

What makes me sad about how other people act? Why might that be? How can our society change that? How can I help other people? This goes back to strengths and weaknesses.
How can I express myself? That is, how can I get people to understand me?
And how can I take all of my experiences and build off of them to become specialized in some form of life? This also goes back to strengths and weaknesses. If words are insufficient, how can I act to show people how I feel? Or how can I show people how I care, and that I think about them?

Who was I before I learned how to speak, how to tell time, and other modes of human limitations? Who was I before traumatic and other life altering experiences happened to me? What part of me is just habit? What do I say or do that I got from other people’s rules? What do I say or do that I got from other people’s characteristics I admire? What do I say or do that is only for pleasing other people?

What have I done in the past to other people or to myself that makes me shudder or disgusts me?

In what situations might breaking the law or ten commandments might be excused?

How can I act in a way that will not be misinterpreted?

What am I afraid of? Which of your fears are irrational?

What mistakes have I made? What did I learn from them about myself and my relation to life and the people in it?

What gives me the greatest joy in life?
What about the world is beautiful to me? How can I routinely stand back and take in its beauty? How can I participate with nature? How can I create something beautiful?

What quotes inspire me? What books inspire me? Movies? Music? What is it about it that really speaks to me? What is it saying? What truth am I connecting to? How can I build on these truths? How can I argue them?

Who do I love unconditionally? What degrees of love do I have for my fellow species? How can I show and make love without compromising who I am? What are my passions? What makes me lose track of time in a healthy way? What keeps me going? How can I keep other people going? How can I contribute to the source of my love and passions?

Once you finish, you will have the answer to this question: If my desires imprison me, which ones are more worth my time and which ones? What might I have to sacrifice in order to protect my beliefs? Am I willing to do so? What have I outgrown already? What part of me should I never compromise?

What Insights of Yours Can You Add to Figuring out The Mysteries of Life? Find Out:

What have I taken on a leap of faith?
Whether you're right or wrong, either way it’s a leap of faith. Which direction gives you the most hope? Why?

What do people call God that really isn’t God in the sense it is unexplainable? What does that leave? Is reason more important than intuition? What about what logic can’t answer?

Cosmology: Is there a structured order to reality? What patterns have I found in life?

Ontology: What is the difference between my childhood over-active imagination and the feeling of getting high and hallucinating? How are those two experiences any less real than sober or mature experiences? How are my dreams different from reality in terms of how it affects me?

Human nature: How can I generalize how humans act? Is this an over-simplification? What evidence can I point to? How has mankind progressed? In what areas have they remained the same?

Politics: Are borders necessary? Should the world be “every country or man for themselves”? Do stronger countries have obligations for weaker ones? If we can all agree that nobody wants their country, or their cause (in the case of religious fundamentalists who want their religion to rule the world, and same with communism and capitalism) to be lost, how can we all compromise and respect each other?

Eric Voegelin on "Stupidity"

Voegelin and stupidity:

"The idea of man is not a question of arbitrary definitions, rather, man is discovered in quite specific historic places and in quite concrete situations. In the Hellenic society, man was experienced by the philosophers of the classical period as a being who is constituted by the nous, by reason. In the Israelite society man is experienced as the being to whom God speaks his word, that is, as a pneumatic being who is open to God's word. Reason and spirit are the two modes of constitution of man. This world itself exists by reason of a mystery, and the cause of this being of the world, of which man is component, we call 'God'.

"One cannot dedivinze himself without dehumanizing himself, because to do so is to close off oneself to the divine, whether it be the rationally divine or the pneumatically divine, that is, the philosophical or revelational divine. In both cases there occurs a loss of reality. Typically, the reality of man is put in the place of the lost divine reality, which alone grounds the reality of man, so that in place of the ground of being as the cause of being, man as the cause of being advances to the point of exaggeration in the idea that man must be the creator of the world. There you have in a nutshell the problem of Hitler- 'The world shall be as I wish it!' Stupidity here shall mean that a man, because of his loss of reality, is not in a position to rightly orient his action in the world, in which he lives.

"If I have lost certain sectors of reality from my range of experience, I will also be lacking the language for appropriately characterizing them. That means that parallel to the loss of reality and to stupidity there is always the phenomenon of illiteracy. There is illiteracy among people who are able to read and write very well, but who, as soon as it is a matter of understanding a problem of reason or of spirit, or questions about right action, of justice, are completely uncomprehending, because they do not get it.To be a leader, one must be in a position of power, administer the law with religious conscientiousness, and defend the faith. That is, he must rule by power, reason, and spirit. The problem of Hitler is that he ruled with power that allowed society to exist, but he did not represent reason or spirit. – Voegelin

Voegelin's Division of Man (derived from Aristotle who derived from Hesiod):Those who have authority (led by his own nous, by reason- Aristotle; who himself considers or thinks through all things, who can advise himself, possesses nous- openness toward the divine ground of being- Hesiod)Those who can follow authority (those still being educated; those who never get beyond certain educational levels but at least are still approachable insofar as they listen when a wiser man tells them what is right and what is wrong- Aristotle; who listens to the best- Hesiod)Those who 'rabble' (slave by nature- Aristotle; those who neither thinks nor listens, the “useless man”)Political problem- the 'rabble' in high levels of government.