V. On the Nature of Souls
Personally, I believe we all have souls that pre-dated our births, as do creatures (even invertebrates!); everything goes in progressive expanding cycles where negative or positive overlap, but if you don’t learn and grow, you can’t evolve to the next cycle of awareness. The more aware you are, the more your soul becomes conscious of itself, and the more you realize your soul is an energy particle that exists within an infinitely larger energy structure made up of telekinetic spirits that use each other in some vast dynamic super-structural grid that has no end to its largeness or smallness; an interconnected being that shares experiences the same way telepathy theoretically allows us to share thoughts. The laws of Euclidean space-time, Newtonian physics, and Einsteinian relativity only govern one particle of energy (that is the universe as we know it) and exists to become conscious of itself through its own particles of energy (souls); and the unseen forces of the energy of the universe condenses part of itself into matter so it can use the elements of hydrogen and helium to provide the material basis for the souls to exist.
The souls themselves slow down their energy vibrations to a point where they produce an outer shell of matter and mass, simultaneously manifesting and conditioning themselves through DNA to survive on the earth and be built in, through the faculties of the brain, with reason and logic to discern form from emptiness, cause and effect, and relative motion. This kind of thinking was needed for self-awareness and to discover the laws of nature, but, as metaphysical scientists agree, this world of matter in motion is not all there is. Now that we are aware that humans are genetically 99.9 percent the same and have cracked the human genome, we are ready for the next stage of awareness that comes from new advances in science and cultural realizations of unity and mysticism. Gottfried Leibniz spoke of spiritual atoms called monads, and many scientists are puzzled by a mysterious unseen force called dark matter, the existence of many more dimensions than previously considered. Many are calling gluons, kind of like a microscopic dark matter, the “God-particle”. Mystics both sober and psychoactive drug taking speak of higher dimensions of consciousness. The world seems to be headed toward a paradigm shift in consciousness where we are becoming so populated that if we don’t learn how to get along with each other and be happy we will kill each other off and drain our planet’s resources while doing so, leaving cockroaches to be the only creature on earth.
If we don’t learn to have a positive self-esteem, respect our selves, other people and the earth, get along with our irreconcilable differences, celebrate what makes us different and discover our underlying spiritual unity, then how can we evolve our universal ball of spiritual energy?
The light of our collective spirits, if they expand to the point where they shine at the final stage of consciousness all together at the same time, will surely cause an illumination in the overall self-consciousness of the universe and allow for new possibilities- heavenly possibilities. Like a world where our wildest and purest dreams come true.
One of these days, the universe is going to wake up. Our souls will take their place on a uterine wall of sorts, ready to be born again. Right now, our imaginations and attitudes, the way we perceive things and the limits we impose on our dreams, will conceive of the new universe in which we will be born into. Our souls will ride the wave of our perceptions/attitudes into the experience of our imagination. Our thoughts, pure and full of love.
Listen, an experience on earth has to have pain in order to appreciate the pleasure. I’m not saying a little pain isn’t good, or a little drama doesn't make good times feel as good, because it sure as hell does. We live in a beautiful world, a world of meaning and purpose. Even if we don’t have a soul, seriously, what could be better than riding a wave with pure respect for the ocean? What’s more beautiful than seeing some exotic natural environment and wandering around its ancient forests? What’s more fun than the things we do for pleasure? I’m presupposing the existence of a soul because I can read into the ancient phrase “form is emptiness and emptiness is form” and also my own experiences with a mystical plant called salvia that seems to show the link between the earth (and therefore the universe) and the brain. If a plant can unlock the limits of experience by accessing receptors built into the brain, there must be some plan. Humans, being the offspring of the earth and therefore the offspring of the hydrogen and helium involved in the starburst of the first cause, are invariably connected to all the matter and energy seen and unseen in the universe; and matter and energy are eternal and interchangeable. The notion of a first cause, at least for our universe as we understand it, implies only the first cause of matter, so is it so silly to doubt energy preceded the first cause, and that that energy is the constant emptiness capable of manifesting itself in the form of matter and becoming conscious of itself by dividing itself into individual souls (temperaments?) And that dark matter, gluons, and spirit guides are the means of energy by which the eternal source keeps its own matter and souls stable? That a soul’s sole purpose is to use its sentient powers to evolve through different circuits of consciousness to the final universal consciousness through science and mysticism working hand in hand, or mind in mind?
Is it silly to assume the concept of good and evil is that the path of good is the path that keeps a person on path of happiness and growth and that the path of evil is the path of growth-stunting cycles and angst? Is it silly to assume that for every soul there is a soul mate that intertwines? That everyone has a place, and to find one’s purpose and self is to find one’s place among the soul grid divided up by temperament quadrants that will share a new universe called “heaven” once the great universal rebirth is conceived? And that this is reached when one is no longer stuck in a lower level of consciousness dictated by attachment to the world of form (C.S. Lewis’ “purgatory” being equivalent to the “samsara” reincarnation cycle of Hinduism and Buddhism)? That the ego is the means by which the soul manipulates matter, matter that is here to help us leave our shell behind?
To quote an essay I wrote for my English class:
The following I learned from a movie called Waking Life. When we die, we have seven to ten minutes of brain activity. Keep that in mind. Now, when we go to sleep, our brain drops a tiny bit of dreaming fluid (DMT/melanomin?) into our brains to satisfy us for the whole dreaming period during REM (rapid-eye movement sleep). You ever notice how when you wake up in the morning and fall back asleep, the dreams are long and intricate? But you wake up and only two minutes have gone past! Your energy seems to have surpassed space-time perceptions. (Or maybe it is our mortal lives that produce the illusion of limited energy…) When you die, all of that fluid gets released into your brain. If one drop of the fluid can sustain you for a night’s worth of dreams, then think about the effects of the whole shebang! Seven to ten minutes of such an influx of this power could determine your next life as you chose to interact with it.
I had where I felt like whole centuries went by as I stared at a silent universe and watched it go from brightness to darkness to illumination again. Time is relative during life, the temporal plane of existence. But in death, is it wrong to assume time is eternal, and that waiting for all the souls to join the eternal will be not waiting at all? I’m talking about those who are stuck in “purgatory” and need either a clairvoyant to tell them to go to the light, a spirit guide, or to be reincarnated until they reach the enlightenment called “moksha” or “grace” during the “end times”. When we reach the top of Jacob’s Ladder it will be a minute or two in relation to eternity that all the souls make it to the soul-grid. This grid will possibly look different to everyone, but will be the same eternal grid.
To quote Wikipedia:
Dimethyltryptamine (DMT), also known as N,N-dimethyltryptamine, is a naturally occurring tryptamine and potent psychedelic drug, found not only in many plants, but also in trace amounts in the human body wherein its natural function is undetermined. Structurally, it is analogous to the neurotransmitter serotonin and other psychedelic tryptamines
Several speculative and as yet untested hypotheses suggest that endogenous DMT, produced in the human brain, is involved in certain psychological and neurological states. As DMT is naturally produced in small amounts in the brains and other tissues of humans, and other mammals,[11] some believe it plays a role in promoting the visual effects of natural dreaming, and also near-death experiences and other mystical states.
Dr. Rick Strassman, while conducting DMT research in the 1990s at the University of New Mexico, advanced the theory that a massive release of DMT from the pineal gland prior to death or near death was the cause of the near death experience (NDE) phenomenon. Several of his test subjects reported NDE-like audio or visual hallucinations. His explanation for this was the possible lack of panic involved in the clinical setting and possible dosage differences between those administered and those encountered in actual NDE cases.
To quote my essay again:
Elizabeth Kubler-Ross worked at a hospital and recounted instances of peoplewho have died and been resuscitated. Some people saw the face of God, some Buddha, some felt the love of Jesus- it depended upon their religious beliefs. People who committed suicide, though, saw nothing. This suggests that life and death are a natural cycle and we should not mess with it. It also suggests that ones beliefs shape their destiny.
You know how when you look into a cloud and you see some beautiful form in it, and your friend sees some entirely different beautiful form? That is what heaven must look like. Like some kind of formless eternal grid of spiritual energy wherein which a collective consciousness shares telepathic experiences of eternal love, truth and beauty (not the relative senses of the word here in the temporal plane). Depending on what forms they experience the divine through, that is what forms they experience in the eternal heaven, but it will be the same place. All the Buddhists will have their shared perceptions, the Christians theirs, and so on and so forth. Personally, I’m very open minded and can conceive of all sorts of psychedelic forms I would love to experience when I die, and because of my mind over matter attitude, I believe I will experience this when I die. My perception of death governs my death, and the more conscious I become in different rebirths here on earth, the closer I am to moksha and joining the eternal. As for my imminent death, I will probably spend some time in heaven and then chose to either join the world of form (Earth) again or stay in heaven, leaving the awesome experience of Earth for the even more awesome experience of heaven, and I will probably say I wish to be reincarnated just to teach people how to reach enlightenment just like my hero the Dali Lama. Can you imagine a soul so parent-like that it shepherds the confused souls into the light instead of staying in heaven? The Dali Lama is a spirit guide I would love to learn much more about, and I would love to spend a little time in heaven before following in his footsteps. Reincarnation, I believe, is always a choice, and we can leave the eternal as human angels (spirit guides in the flesh) or energy angels (sprit guides as pure spirit) that act as a voice of guidance or manipulate matter to act as a “sign” to keep souls on the right track. Our spirit guide could be a Master (Jesus or Buddha or the Dali Lama) or a soul mate who keeps us growing in our soul; it could be our future selves, too! Any manifestation we perceive that the divine can speak to us in…Is this concept of every having a spirit guide like this impossible?
I am a pantheist, I hold that everything is God. The Holy Trinity is God the Father (the eternal cause of the first cause immanent in nature and is our collective union of souls), God the son (the formal manifestation of the divine; matter- the planets and stars and earth; our outer shells; also the soul which experiences the life created by God the Father by manipulating matter until he becomes conscious he is the father); and the Holy Spirit (the forces of energy used by God the Father that stabilizes the son through spiritual guidance). They are all one in the same ineffable being.
I have to give credit where it is due to Neale Donald Walsch, author of Conversations with God, for inspiring me with his trinity, which I dabbled with. To quote his conversation with God-
-Can you simply agree that on some of the questions of life the mystery is too great for even you to solve? Why not hold the mystery as sacred? And why not allow the mystery to be sacred, and leave it alone?We are now trying to do the impossible, which is to speak of the unspeakable. It is what religion seeks to do.
Have you ever looked down into a high powered microscope, and seen pictures or movies of molecular action, and said, “Good heavens, there’s a whole universe down there. And to that universe, I, the now-present observer, must feel like God!” Have you ever said that, or had that kind of experience?
-Yes, I should imagine every thinking person has.
-Indeed. You have given yourself your own glimpse of what I am showing you here. And what would you do if I told you this reality of which you have given yourself a glimpse never ends?
-Explain that. I’d ask you to explain that.
-Take the smallest part of the universe you can imagine. Imagine this tiny, tiny particle of matter. Now cut it in half. What have you got?
-Two smaller halves.
-Precisely! Now cut those in half. What now?
-Two smaller halves.-Right. Now again, and again! What’s left?
-Smaller and smaller particles.
-Yes, but when does it stop? How many times can you divide matter until it ceases to exist?
-I don’t know. I guess it never ceases to exist.
-You mean you can never completely destroy it? All you can do is change its form?
-It would seem so.
-I tell you this: you have just learned the secret to all of life, and seen into infinity. There is no end going up, any more than there is going down…There is no end to smallness and no end to bigness.All of it is God, and there is nothing else. You cannot not be. You can change form all you wish, but you cannot fail to be. You can only fail at not knowing Who You Are, and in this failing, experience only the half of it.
-That would be hell.
-Exactly, yet you are not condemned to it. All that it takes to get out of hell, to get out of not knowing, is to know again.
The son experiences the creation of the fathering thought, which is conceived of by the Holy Ghost. What you experience changes what you conceive. It is a cycle. Can you conceive of yourself as one day being a God?
-In my wildest moments.
-Good, for I tell you this: You are already a God. You simply do not know it. Have I not said, “Ye are Gods”?
Back to my words-
I say yes, we have an eternal soul. They are puzzle pieces that fits into God who is eternal, God who keepings being added on to with everything that is alive. The material outer shell layer that produces mass shall decay back into the earth, and our souls, free of fear and earthly desires, shall return to the source, compare itself to the whole, and decide if we want to reincarnate or return to the source forever or join the source for a while and then reincarnate. There’s always a choice, because the nature of our souls, which have progressed from animal spirits from the soul of the first single-celled organism- the first sentient stardust (everything material in our corner of the universe is made up of stardust). The matter that makes up stardust is eternal energy: the Source of all of existence, or at least the part of it and only the source for our existence… being capable of developing not only morality and a third eye but also the parts of the brain that give us decision-making skills, we are characterized by our free will to be moral or immoral, which is because we are able to ignore or look past our instinct and social conditioning and use our higher faculties, if we can develop them (most of us can unless we have a brain deficiency). The more lives you live, lives in which you grow, the brighter your soul becomes, and the more of a Master you become. This light is only capable of being felt, thanks our limited human senses, or witnessed as aura fields.
Sometimes it may seem like you’re going in circles or even backwards, but it is simply impossible to regress. Even in a war or other traumatic situation, you’re still the same person you were before you were traumatized, but your trauma often becomes you and you get confused so as to your true nature. Every time you go back to the places you were before, you bring new knowledge to the table; that is, if you have set yourself up to receive guidance and knowledge. Otherwise you stagnate. The rhythms are cyclical, yet with each new revolution/epoch they expand outward, thus creating a new dimension to the circle, making it a spiral that grows like a DNA strand being enlarged in expansion after each new contraction, looking like looping infinite-sign haloes vibrating outward; gyres of progress; paradigm shifts of consciousness.
Evolved souls here on Earth become less and less dependent on earthly things because of the knowledge they gain. All they need is God and the bare necessities. If we find our golden mean, we will need less and less from life; only bread and water and love; whereas we started out desiring so much stuff. That bare necessity is exactly what we all need, if we want to share the world with everyone else. Giving and sharing, learning and growing, and a Pantheistic sense of God could save the world. Those shared values I mentioned above could save the world if they are all ingrained in everyone’s mind for both externally-motivated and internally-motivated purposes. We wouldn’t need a Green Party or a Democratic or Republican party if every school, church, library and other institution preached the importance of these values and included them in their lesson plan, and every parent explained them to their children in a way each unique child can understand. That is my manifesto. My treatise. Both a plea and a demand to spread this word. This gnosis.
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