VII. The Eternal Damnation Lie
First of all, death is not the end. I have had mystical visions and cosmic vibrations like the ones Ginsberg, Emerson, Thoreau and Kubler-Ross have all written about. I have a dream like Martin Luther King and George Lucas about the battle of light and dark that goes on in our souls and manifests itself in nature. The eternal promises free will and a place to rest when we die; God does not wish to meddle with our choices. And we can always change the road we’re on, but if we chose the dark side, then we lose ourselves. We need to learn for ourselves, though, which side to be on, and not have God’s Will forced upon us. We are separate and yet equal from God, and though it is scary and we often forget who we are, where we came from, why we’re here and where we’re going, God is like the parent who is right behind us as we take our first steps or go out exploring into the world. We are separate and yet equal from each other, too. All our souls, our essences, they are all connected to each other and the universe.
To quote from Wikipedia, the Dali Lama is an incarnation of the spirit of an ancient Buddhist magistrate who has taken a Bodhisattva vow “stating that they [the various incarnations] will strive for as long as samsara [the birth-rebirth cycle of souls trapped in desire] endures to liberate all sentient beings from samsara and deliver them into Nirvana. The Bodhisattva does not seek bodhi (Awakening) solely for him/herself, but chiefly for the sake of freeing all other beings and aiding them into the bliss of Nirvana.’ I have made it my intention to do the same, no matter how hard it is. I get my strength from inside, from my inner light, and I will tax my body if I have to. There are so many different languages around religion, making it hard for me.
Ramakrishna’s parable goes as follows: ‘God is one only, and not two. Different people call on Him by different names: some as Allah, some as God, others as Krishna, Shiva, and Brahman. It is like the water in a lake. Some drink it at one place and call it “jal,” others at another place and call it “pani,” and still others at a third place and call it “water.” The Hindus call it “jal,” the Christians “Water,” and the Muslims “pani.” But it is one and the same thing. Opinions are but paths. Each religion is only a path leading to God, as rivers come from different directions and ultimately become one in the ocean.”
This discrepancy in language can lead to mistaking the forest for the trees, meaning we get hung up on the words describing the Holy Experience and forget about the Experience itself. Dogmatic religions that are intolerant of other ones come up with ideas like Hell and Eternal Damnation, which are all out lies. C.S. Lewis, the Dali Lama, and Neale Donald Walsch would agree with me on this one, and do a far better job of explaining this than I ever will (though I have tried and will continue trying). The superstition of Hell can be directly related to the ignorance and intolerance of religious figures who are too egocentric to consider they are drinking from the same pond as a Muslim, a Buddhist, or whomever. “The Tower of Babel and specialization of knowledge / Unshared vocabularies leading us to confusion /Misleading labels that make us seem farther apart / Dichotomization into dehumanization”- this is my theory on how and why people commit organized violence for something higher than profit- things like holy wars and ethnic genocides. Religion is when you realize that the dreams of comfort in your mind, and all the love that’s shared between your heart and the world, are rooted in the fact that you have an eternal soul. You learn to trust this newly developed organ’s sense of eternity, couple it with unity with all things, and learn to tap into its inspiration. You return to a child-like state of bliss, if you ever left it, so you start to live not just by reason, but also faith. Now you understand that religion is not just superstition, but that it is guided by those who worship Masters who they see as manifestations of positive force- Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, Zarathustra, Lao Tzu, Bahá’u’lláh, and Halle Selassie.
They were true believers and could do nothing but preach freedom-promoting virtues because they were full of the Holy Spirit. They did not start out as manifestations of God, but they were destined to transcend casual space and time and achieve liberation. They listened to their souls, to eternity, their dreams and visions. They listened to wise men who wanted to say nothing but the Truth (that’s right, they had teachers too!). They listened to nature. And in doing all this, they were listening to God. Their virtues were in accordance to freedom, allowing them to experience liberation from the causal plane of reality, where their souls joined with the eternal again. They had no need for reincarnation. They do come back, whenever someone speaks the Truth under the inspiration of the Holy Force, of positivity, of the light. We all speak Holy Words every now and then; we all perform Holy Acts of Liberation too, when we engage in conscientious activities that make us one with nature and our inner light; in doing so, we reflect the eternally divine in us and not the temporal, earthly attachments we all are dependent on that are subject to change. The wind when it blows is so ancient and sacred, and our souls are like this wind, but our souls are covered in shadows of what Nietzsche called the death of God, the hypocrisy of man-made religion, the non-distinction of the sacred and the profane, confusion of languages and differences in culture, confusion of even our homogenous languages, vicious cycles, ignorance, immaturity, lack of convictions and dogma, and especially what I said before about our refusal to truly live by restricting our own freedoms by not growing, learning, loving, laughing, expressing oneself or being healthy.
The whole concept of hell is human suffering- the lack of truly living – vicious cycles – desire – fear – the opposite of all the virtues I listed – poverty – ignorance. When we deceive ourselves, we are in Hell. When we get hung up on a trauma, we are in hell: the scene plays itself over and over and over. When we live in the past or worry about the future all the time, when we have too low or too high self esteem, when we are living in two realities, when we are oppressed, it is all living in hell. Heaven is the future where there is no hell. When all the souls are liberated. The Dali Lama understand this. God, the eternal cause of existence and immanent force in nature understands this. If we had no free will to choose God, heaven would be forced on us. But like the parable of Adam and Eve, we exercised our free will and chose to believe in inequality. Rousseau talks about how when we first claimed ownership over land, we set off a chain of events guided by inequality that was the cause of the rich and powerful enslaving men. That was our sin – when we took our separateness for being dualistic compared to equality, and we took it too far. When at first we realized we had developed morality and then regressed to act against it. When at first we dehumanized other humans. When at first we took more than we needed from the land. When we restricted freedom from ourselves and others. The Tower of Babel is a great parable to describe how, because of language and cultural differences, civilizations of men saw other men as less than human, took them to be mere oxen to enslave, and disregarded their Truth (The Holy Spirit affected all cultures and it does so during all generations). Did you know that chimpanzees have turf battles where they viciously kill all the male chimpanzees in the opposing groups and then rape all the women to inseminate them with their genes? Some humans are no smarter than this, but if they have their frontal lobes, then they have the potential to transform. But they have to do it out of their own free will. Nobody, contrary to Scientology, sharia, and dumb parents, can offer us salvation at the expense of our freedom. We have to want to change to change. We have to have awareness, direction of thought, and behavior to act on morality.
You are free to doubt heaven, and God’s gift of freedom, too! God wouldn’t want it any other way- Doubt, then is just as holy a gift from God as Faith, until Faith is realized and chosen rather than blind! The Holy Spirit can bring us all to liberation, but these things take time, and leaders and prophets and mystics. I am not sure if I’m a good leader of men, but I am a good writer and a hell of a mystic. I am a prophet because God talks to me, but God talks to everyone; I just listen is all. The Holy Spirit shines from my soul whenever I tune into it, and I wish to help liberate all of humanity; to do God’s work is my will. I wish you liberation.; to find your self and forget your self all at once. Who knows how many lifetimes it will take?
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