“Matter is just energy condensed into a slow vibration”
I’m a metaphysical pantheist and believe that God exists in two ways- matter and energy. In the matter form, I believe God exists as unseen energy using the period table of elements and other unseen forces that interact and combine to create an “environment” in which to house the energetic source that is God’s essence. The big bang was when God made “himself” into these outer shells in which to house “his” essence.
Creativity probably comes from the fact that all forms exist as a potential within God’s consciousness; and that by using our imagination, we are taking an imprint from the “mind of God” so we can manifest the forms into matter. It’s like how when you sleep, your mind conjures up the form of, say, a chair, and your consciousness (the self-aware aspect of your essence) sits in that chair, it feels like you're sitting in a chair for real, but it’s only a dream. That chair you think you're sitting on isn’t matter, it’s some form of energy; because consciousness (thoughts and words in heads, images in head, dreams) are not matter, they don’t exist in the objective world. Things have to be in one place or the other- an abstract place known as the mind or the concrete place known as objective reality; and they have to be either in a matter or energy state (though the state can change). Except God’s consciousness is like a dream where forms exist that haven't even been invented by humans yet, because the potential exists first.
Existing as something you can see in the real, concrete, world where things happen in shared space and time is something done by human bodies, chairs, words or drawings on a page, rain, clouds and are objectively real. Then there are those abstractions; we can’t see them and they exist as in our minds as souls and thoughts and are not objective realities but subjective and personal realities. And since things can either exist in matter form or energy form, and thoughts and words dreams are not matter, and they take mental energy to create, they exist as energy- forms within our consciousness, and our consciousness is God’s consciousness. We take the potentials and make them into realities; we turn forms in our mind into forms visible to all. These potentials and forms always existed. Man did not invent shapes or colors or elements. Man only can turn these potentials and forms into matter. Man also did not invent curiosity, emotions and consciousness. Man can only act out what he thinks and feels deep inside; and man explores and questions as if it were his business.
Matter and energy are interchangeable- energy can turn into matter (an idea is painted, a thought is written down, hydrogen and helium turn into iron through nuclear fusion so the energy that fuels the sun ultimately creates the material for planets) and matter can be turned into energy (splitting the atom- the atomic bomb). I believe the human mind is working to manifest the love and truth and beauty inherent in the part of our selves that is God’s energy/consciousness (our essence) by taking those abstract concepts and forms of love, truth, and beauty, and making them concrete. To God, they are concrete, I suppose, because God exists as energetic truth, love and beauty at all times and has the forms in “his” mind at all times.
We, as in our minds, are the imagination of God’s consciousness, like the characters an author creates. The characters an author creates are unique individuals living separate lives simultaneously in a story, and yet they manifest different aspects of the same unified mind and temperament of the penman, as if these characters were the author living vicariously through a finite number of persons each with a finite number of characteristics and abilities (their DNA) and personalities (the environmentally-created concept of a unique “self”- an ego) that interact with each other. The characters are different, but there is that link across them: their source was the same mind. The same goes with dreams- all the characters in our dreams are manifestations of ourselves- it’s not like your friends left their dream behind to go play in yours. You ascribe a role to the characters in your dream- each one represents something already inherent in you, and acts it out. You experience yourself, your own thoughts and desires and fears, through these actors. God is like that- God is all and nothing. We’re all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively.
I believe nature is the manifestation of God’s mind because everything in nature tends toward balance and cohesion, so I assume this is the material reflection of the divine energy consciousness that created it.
Balance and cohesion, as attributes reflecting the energy force behind it, belong with other attributes like stability and peace- so these attributes would likely describe God. God would then follow rules and yet be dynamic enough to evolve and possibly create new rules out of these new adaptive experiences, as if everything were growing and evolving and becoming more conscious for a reason- to create new realities and more possibilities. God would then be constantly creating and recreating himself through matter and higher self-consciousness of “his” own nature.
So the energy behind our spherical, symmetrical, geometrically logical patterns of matter in nature must have an energy source of pure truth, love and beauty. But our minds, incapable of sharing any absolute and objective standard of anything whatsoever, must be disconnected from this pure love, truth and beauty source; and we can only do our best by following the clues God has given us- the patterns in nature, and our own essence, which both contain the imminent structures of symmetry, peace, perfect form, beauty and genius. Our own essence inside our materials shells does contain pure love, truth and beauty; but we cannot agree on it because it cannot exist in objective reality unless we stay in tune with our essence at all times, which is impossible as of yet. The essence cannot do anything; it just sits there with all its Godliness. Our egos, and the fact they exist in a relative world, make it impossible for all of us to easily understand our own essences. We have a lot of false teachings, emotional dramas and self-image and self-esteem issues that are hard to recognize which part of us is temporary and which part of us is eternal. This is also hard because it involves losing a sense of the self as we have known our whole lives to be real because we constantly judged it and tried to appease it, our ego (our mask; our social role), instead of our essence (God). I say, through nature, mysticism, and sharing our love with mankind, we create God’s essence into the existence of material form or through the energy of motion and action and words. I believe that’s how God becomes visible and perceivable through the five senses- when we contract our egos and bodies to reflect the divine truth, love and beauty within us. That’s why human chaos such as war and confusion and other instability is seen as ungodly and unpleasant- it breaks away from the natural tendency of peace, stability and beauty that had to exist prior to any material forms.
“To study Buddhism is to study ourselves. To study ourselves is to forget ourselves.”- Zen Master Dogen
We forget the parts of us ascribed (heredity-DNA-nature) and the parts of us attained (environmental factors-personality-nurture) that have interacted with each other to create our self-image (ego). Our self-image is finite. Our essence, our true selves, is the part of the divine mind that is infused into us- that consciousness that is experiencing itself subjectively through interactions of forms- that eye that sees- the part of us that is in everything. The infinite. The nature is the rolodex of biological and neurological possibilities. The nurture is the rolodex of settings, situations, and interactions other biologically- and- neurologically ascribed forms. These are costumes and conventions of a fickle self-image and a fickle crowd. The self-image and the crowd will be gone, but not the memory, which ripples in the consciousness of the single mind- forever. All lives existing forever. All lives directly infused with God’s own “person”ality (“Godality?”).
The zero, the infinite- the eternal nothing that at the same time was capable of producing infinite amounts of something, so how could it have been nothing if it held the potential? How can nothing hold something? Does it have volume? This type of thinking is not getting me anywhere…
The universe is one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively
Christianity- God’s light inside of us – Conversations with God – God experiences “him”self through us – Jesus – “Have I not said, ‘Ye are gods’”? - Sylvia Browne – Temples of learning have all the stuff imagination and genius can come up with – access past lives – God consciousness – Ram Dass and Joel Goldsmith “Christ Consciousness” – Goldsmith “God is the substance of form…eternity flows through us” Blake “"He who sees the Infinite in all things, sees God. He who sees the ratio only, sees himself only"
Hinduism/Buddhism- Our soul (atman) is part of God (Brahman) – Use yoga to reach Akashic records – memory banks of every life of every person that ever lived – Buddha nature (Deepak Chopra?) – reach enlightenment by middle path
Metaphysics- Our inner light (part of God) can experience gnosis (knowledge of God) – We’re all variations (DNA/environment interact) of the same theme (same God-consciousness) – Tim Leary – Last two circuits of eight circuits of consciousness – telepathy/collective memory banks – universal consciousness/mind of God/faster than speed of light – third eye/pineal gland/DMT and LSD are synthesized versions- brain naturally produces DMT at sleep and near-“death” – Hegel “we are God becoming conscious of himself” - Bill Hicks: Speculating on how a television news anchor would deliver a "positive" LSD story: "Today, a young man on acid realised that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration, that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively, there is no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we are the imagination of ourselves... here's Tom with the weather"
Science on our side:
Evolution of consciousness:
http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0670033847/ref=pd_cp_b_title/002-5923179-5868812?%5Fencoding=UTF8&v=glance&n=283155 The Singularity Is Near: When Humans Transcend Biology
DNA: The Language of God by Francis S. Collins
Eric Coleman Quotes:
In a Native American parable, the Creator amasses his animals and offers the following:"I want to hide something from my human children until they are ready for it. . . . It is the realization that they create their own reality.""Give it to me. I'll fly it to the moon," says the Eagle."No," says he Creator. "One day soon they will go there and find it.""How about the bottom of the ocean?" asks the Salmon."No," says the Creator. "They will find it there, too.""I will bury it in the great plains," says the Buffalo."They will soon dig and find it there," says the Creator."Then put it inside of them," says wise Grandmother Mole."Done," says the Creator. "It is the last place they will look."
God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me. ~Author unknown, variation of an excerpt from "The Serenity Prayer" by Reinhold Neibuhr
The universe progresses as one consciousness experiencing itself, just subjectively, through its own formal manifestations. Mankind like when you play with yourself when you’re young- like when you suck your thumb. Except in this case, the mouth and the thumb would be unattached (attached by cosmic strings?) and have separate sets of bodies to house consciousness, and different personalities.
If we think of the earth, nay, the universe as a living organism that has no brain and yet reproduces itself into smaller factions (think of insects- they have no brains or spines- and yet they can function and reproduce), and those smaller factions keep creating smaller factions, we get an idea of how the universe has broken itself down, except there is no end to the bigness or smallness of it all, and there was no beginning or end to it. It’s just the beginning and the end chasing each other to swallow each other whole. It’s God becoming more and more aware of its own possibilities; growing more and more conscious to the point of total enlightenment.
Before matter ever existed, there had to be energy to bring matter into existence. Energy predates matter. Energy predates nothing. Everything comes from that nothing (which is really eternity), so the infinite universe is the manifestation of nothing, probably just a circle spiraling in a double helix shape and expanding a little wider after every contraction, during every cycle.
Every element, shape, color, pattern, song, voice, it all had to exist prior to us as a potential, all condensed together at one point, called the unknown source of existence. The absence of these forms (elements, songs, structures, colors, etc.) does not mean the absence of existence, such as a vacuum of nothingness; it is only non-formal existence, the soul in its “formally empty” phase. But as the wisdom goes, “form is emptiness and emptiness is form”. There is no nothing. Even outer space isn’t empty; it’s mostly dark matter and dark energy. A Buddhist teacher once told me that when we die, our soul goes back to the zero where it came from. I have discovered zero is just infinity in disguise. Chaos is destined for equilibrium is destined to chaos is destined to equilibrium is destined to…
We know there is no end to the bigness or smallness of the universe- we can go smaller than atoms and quarks and bigger than our fraction of the universe for ever and ever. Such is the nature of God and our souls and everything else we can’t see but we put faith in as a loving being. Because just as form had to come from this “nothing”, so did emotion and feelings of spirituality- connectivity to the whole. This is the feeling you get when you walk out in the forest- you recognize you are all children of the same whole, the zero that housed infinity. You see grass growing and think of hair. You see a stream and you think of a bloodstream. You see patterns, spherical shapes and animals looking for homeostasis, and you realize that you, like them, are all searching for a balance. You see everything natural as a reflection of the divine. And then you see trash and litter upsetting that balance, and mucking things up. Chaos, then order, then chaos, then order…or have we reached the end of the spiral? Each cycle expands outward a little more, like ripples in the water or rings on a tree; even the universe is expanding outward as time goes by. When will human’s awareness hit a paradigm shift in collective consciousness equivalent to the peak of the red shift of the universe? When will the rubber band snap back? Why does it seem like even though our knowledge is growing rapidly, the dumbest and most destructive humans are just getting worse? Why is every natural disaster progressively more harmful than the last? Can we repair the damage we have done to the earth? Is chaos the final step, or is order the final step? The fate of the world is up to us. Only you and I can decide how it will end. If humanity unites like it did in that circle with Fannie Lou Hamer’s ghost, than that was just a microcosm of the giant circle we can all form if all of our hearts beat as one; if all of our purposes are aligned because we finally know and get it; if we end the spiritual crises, implant shared values, instituted a public philosophy on human rights; if we unite the world toward the goal of peace, we can end on a good note. If we do this, all our hearts combined will form a mirror image of God’s heart.
You see our Creator shared with us the ability to create our own reality. And even though I see no difference between the creator and the created in terms of spirit, I see that I am but a microcosm of my own creator, and even though I can create life as well, I cannot create universes full of beings that are autonomous as I am. I can create robots, but they would be inside of a preexisting world. I cannot start from scratch. I can create artificial intelligences within a computer programmed matrix, but they could never posses matter and mass and the same self-awareness that I possess. They would just be powered by the energy of my computer’s electricity. They wouldn’t be flesh and blood. I could copy my brain and DNA and therefore clone myself, but it would be artificial. It wouldn’t be organic. I might even feel elite over my creations, and attempt to control their lives. They wouldn’t have free will, because I may be tempted to intervene. I could raise them like a child, and teach them right from wrong, and then set them free. But what an identity crises it would have! How un-unique it would feel! It would be flesh and blood and DNA and consciousness; it would be making a baby without sex. My point is, I wouldn’t be able to give to my creations the same gift God gave to me- everyone who breathes the air shares God’s gift of freedom equally. It is not my gift to give, it is mine to share.
I thank God for my flesh and blood and organic nature. I thank God for my matter and mass and autonomy and self-consciousness. Even though I believe I possess God’s consciousness, I have the freedom to ignore it, in all its peace and love and beauty and truth and answers. I have the freedom to do anything within the laws of the pre-existing universe. I thank God I have free will, and that God does not intervene in my life. I cherish my freedom. It is God’s gift.
Would you argue: God had better keep his mouth shut- I am the birth of his seed, I’m autonomous baby, and I know God had better stay out of my life so I can be myself. Then would you plead: where are you, God, I need your guidance…do I have a soul? What kind of thing is invisible?
When you need God to speak, it’ll happen. You gotta let it happen. And it probably won’t happen right away. But if you open yourself up to knowledge, answers and guidance, they will flow unto you like a river.
New Quote:
“Where can I find a man who has forgotten words?
I would like to have a word with him.”
Chuang Tzu
“In truth the forest hears each sound / each blade of grass… / the world requires no audience / no witnesses”
“you’ll be free child once you have died / from the shackles of language and measurable time”
“tried to listen to the river / but you couldn't shut your mouth / better find yourself a way to level out”
“so we went up the river and recorded all the sound”
“turn off your mind, relax and float upstream”
“the silences of my soul” Khalil Gibran
“get the thoughts out of your mind” Jai
Using sounds instead of words- such as whistling, humming, moaning, imitating animals, harmonizing, and playing music
“Do not rely on words, rely on their meanings”
If you forget words and then someone starts speaking to you, you'll have no idea what they're saying; but they will still have a tone and pattern, a syntax you can follow to catch on to what they're attempting to express. After a while, you may pick up their language. But if you just isolate yourself from all humans and forget language, though I don’t believe you can ever truly forget language, you would learn the language of nature and speak more in more primal terms for survival and a spiritual, emotional and mindful relationship with nature that connects both your self and nature, so it would be a pre-existing language you adapt to you and provide variations on…
At church, sometimes the vernacular the black Baptist preacher spoke in went right over my head and he’d be saying things and people right next to me could understand him, but not me. But I picked up on the tone…
- Jim James, My Morning Jacket “Anytime”
What Apollo’s connections to words are in Homage to Pythagoras
"Blake, Yeats and Pythagoras" Kathleen Raine
William Blake-
"He who sees the Infinite in all things, sees God. He who sees the ratio only, sees himself only"
“Plato and Aristotle considered God as abstracted or distinct from the natural world. But he Aegyptians considered God and nature as making one whole, or all things together as making one universe.” (our stem that connects us all to the fern…the cosmic strings we can’t see that plug us into our matrix)
Blake who held that the living Imagination is the spirit that knows all things, by immediate perception. Whereas the Greeks start from nature, the object of knowledge, Blake starts from the principle of perception itself—spirit.
“Knowledge is not by deduction, but Immediate by Perception or Sense at once. Christ addresses himself to the Man, not to his Reason. Plato did not bring Life & Immortality to Light. Jesus only did this.”
--Here we must remember that for Blake Jesus is the Imagination—the two words are for him synonymous—the living principle itself. Blake goes on to say that “Jesus supposes every Thing to be Evident to the Child & to the Poor & Unlearned. Such is the Gospel. What Jesus came to Remove was the Heathen or Platonic Philosophy, which blinds the eye of Imagination, the Real Man.”
--Man being, of course, for Blake, a living spirit; he is not referring to the physical “garment,” the material body. He continues:
“Jesus consider’d Imagination to be Real Man & says I will not leave you Orphans and I will manifest myself to you; he says also, the Spiritual Body or Angel as little children always behold the Face of the Heavenly Father.”
It is clear that Blake suspected the Greeks, including Pythagoras himself, founder of Western mathematics, as being responsible for what he calls the “wrenching apart” of Nature from the living Imagination. He writes specifically about harmonics, and in this challenges the Pythagorean element in Greek thought.
In considering the Give Senses he is at pains to argue that we do not see with them, but through them: it is the True Man, the Imagination, who is the perceiver. Plato had himself written that we see through the eye, not with it: a phrase repeated in many contexts by Blake. In his Auguries of Innocence he wrote that:
“We are led to Believe a Lie
When we see With Not Thro’ the Eye
Which was Born in a Night to Perish in a Night…” (temporary eyeball but eternal perceiver)
“I question not my Corporeal or Vegetative Eye any more than I would Quesiton a Window concerning a Sight. I look thro’ it ^ not with it”—so he concludes his notes on A Vision of the Last Judgment: Which Judgment is, for Blake, precisely and specifically the awakening from natural to Imaginative perception.
The passage on the natural senses is as follows:
“Ah weak & wide astray! Ah shit in narrow doleful form,
Creeping in reptile flesh upon the bosom of the ground!
The Eye of Man a little narrow orb, clos’d up & dark,
Scarcely beholding the great light, conversing with the Void; [we can only see so much]
The ear a little shell, in small volutions shutting out [we can only hear so much]
All melodies & comprehending only Discord and Harmony;
The Tongue a little moisture fills, a little food it cloys,
A little sound it utters & its cries are faintly heard,
Can such an Eye judge of the stars? & looking thro’ its tubes
Measure the sunny rays that point their spears at Udanadan?
Can such an Ear, fill’d with the vapours of the yawning pit
Judge of the pure melodious harp struck by a divine hand?”
Such is the world to those who look not through but with eye and ear and the other bodily organs. The sense of haring can register, Blake notes, harmonics (discord and harmony) but not melody—“shutting out all melodies” because harmonics are a physical phenomenon whereas melody belongs to the Imagination, and exists only in terms of meaning and imaginative experience. Yet when he writes of “the pure melodious harp struck by a hand divine” he might well have been thinking of that Lyre of Apollo whose origins go back to Pythagoras himself.
For the materialist could well argue, yes, music affects us because our bodies are attuned to the harmonics of the universe through the structure of the sense-organs: music is no more than a physical structure of the sense-organs: music is no more than a physical sensation evoking a physical response. For Blake music is something else altogether; and this is why he makes his distinction between harmonics and melody—the “pure melodious harp”—melody being pure meaning; considered physiologically it has no existence. Therefore Blake writes that the heavens are themselves only an instrument upon which is played the music of the Imagination.
I touch the heavens as an instrument to glorify the Lord! For Blake the question is, who plays the harp?
We find the theme of the Lyre and the music of the universe in the writings of other Romantic poets, notably Shelley and Coleridge. Shelley, a Platonist, writes of the breath of the Spirit, that touches and awakens the lyre of the universe:
Make me thy lyre, even as the forest is:
What if my leaves are falling like its own!
The tumult of thy mighty harmonies
Will take from both a deep autumnal tone,
Sweet though in sadness. Be though, spirit fierce,
My spirit! Be thou me, impetuous one!
We must not suppose that Shelley is speaking metaphorically of this spirit of life striking the tuned lyre of the created world. The so-called “pathetic fallacy” is an invention of the nineteenth century which accepted as a matter of course the post-[sic:Rene De’?]Cartesian view that still holds good in our Universities that the universe is a mechanical structure without life, which operates according to mechanical laws. To attribute life to such a universe (the “pathetic fallacy”) is presumed to be a sentimental personification of what is really lifeless. This may be so in the case of certain rationalist poets who do hold a mechanistic view of the universe and who just for fun or for some other effect personify its elements; but this was never the case with Shelley or Keats, Coleridge or Blake, all of whom followed a more philosophically venerable tradition of the unus mundus, in which nature and informing spirit are one and indivisible. By no poet is this made more clear than by Coleridge, who in The Aeoloian Harp expresses this one life:
O! the one Life within us and abroad,
Which meets all motion and becomes its soul,
A light in sound, a sound-like power in light,
Rhythm in all thought, a joyance everywhere. (1.26-9)
The light in sound and sound-like power in light suggests the Pythagorean harmony that governs the whole universe; and the Lyre of Apollo appears even more clearly in later lines:
And what if all of animated nature
Be but organic Harps diversely fram’d.
That trmble into thoughts, as o’er them sweeps
Plastic and vast, one intellectual breeze,
At once the Soul of each, and God of all? (1.44-9) (Gibran and the lyre quote about marriage)
Coleridge is very close to Blake; and is it of deliberate intent that he too speaks rather of harp than lyre [the instrument of the Jewish tradition—the harp of David—rather than the lyre of Apollo and Pythagoras]. And both Shelley and Coleridge use the Biblical image of the “wind” of the spirit, the “breath” of life without which the “organic Harps” are silent.
As to Pythagoras, his last appearance in Blake’s writings is still an ambiguous one. In Jerusalem there is a list of the names of the men of God sent to “preserve from eternal death” the secular-world rulers. Los, eternal spirit of prophecy, creates
Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Samuel, David, Ezekiel,
Pythagoras, Socrates, Euripides, Virgil, Dante, Milton.
--So Blake wrote; but changed his mind and deleted the classical philosophers from Pythagoras to Milton. It seems that, finally, he had concluded that these were not agents of the spirit, the Imagination, but of the ratio—natural reason. He was doubtless in this unjust not only to Pythagoras himself but to the Platonic metaphysics; and yet it is certainly true that the course history has taken in the West, from Pythagoras by way of Plato and Aristotle, has been to a purely quantitative scientific measurement of the Universe, with a consequent loss of that spiritual vision it was Blake’s prophetic task to restore. Blake had a battle to fight and had to state this case without any trace of ambiguity.”
The “Other Side”, the “Kingdom of Heaven” is the Apollo- our Imagination / our meanings and feelings we add to external phenomenon (the manifestation of Apollo/God) is up to us and interacts with life. What can you imagine? Such is your destiny. Children can see God because they can imagine so much more? Imagination coming out of Apollo (the seed of consciousness) – we are all the imagination of our selves – imagination/conception leads to perspective/attitude leads to thoughts/patterns/syntax and language leads to experience/habits we live out our attitude at is our self-fulfilling prophecy, we see the world through the lenses of our perspective/attitude and use that to define our experiences, giving meaning and spirit and imagination to the external world, animating it. In turn, our experiences shape our imagination/conception of external reality. It all goes in this cycle. So we create our own reality by our imagination. What can you conceive of your self being? If you believe, if you imagine, if you conceive of something, it can be yours to experience. Coincidences, synchronicity (the feeling that it has to be MORE than coincidence, like it was meant to happen), serendipity (the feeling when things don’t happen the way you plan but ends up being better anyway)- they are all created by you.
"In the province of the mind, what is believed to be true is true,or becomes true within certain limits to be learned byexperience and experiment." Dr. John Lilly
Your consciousness is just a fertile crescent in which thoughts are reaped and sowed by your imagination. I’m talking about seeds of thought, and which ones you give light to by focusing your attention and concentration on. You can focus your light of attention on the external world or the internal one. They are both important, but only one houses the spirit. God, the universal consciousness, is experiencing himself through you. To look inward, to concentrate all your light onto your own imagination of God until you realize it is you who is the imagination and God who is all that is real…to find that secret place within where God in all his Apollo good order lies- everyone is God experiencing himself subjectively. Think of the external world and your body as capable of experiencing only harmony and discord and God as the provider of melody. This melody can be shared, like listening to classical music, or your own mix of meaning and imagination to hear what God sounds like to you as a subjective, unique individual. Maybe art is your focus, and God manifests unto you through visualizations you can express. Maybe you don’t use music or fine arts to express your Christ Consciousness/Buddha nature/God within. Maybe you use Logos…and write all the time in an attempt to capture with words what God is manifesting himself as through a parable or narrative or other form of story. God could manifest himself as architecture, as story, as formula, as theory, as musical composition, as dance, as art…just open yourself up to God.
Everything has a seed. The seed of humans and animals is sperm + egg as a zygote, rooted in the DNA tape-loop of mankind coming together. The seed of plants are seen more easily with the naked eye. The seed of minerals are hydrogen, which burns itself into helium in nuclear fusion to create all the elements in a supernova. This was “let there be light”- the universe’ light seeds that came from their Creator. The same spirit that fills our mind with seeds of thought fills the universe with seeds of light- supernovas that will create their own solar systems. “Let there be light” took on two meanings- the light of the supernova and the light of a thought being borne. They both were conceived, like how parents conceive children. The universe is the fertile crescent in the way that consciousness is the fertile crescent- they both are the foundation on which our Creator placed his seeds to grow. The best received child (experience of life, earth) is born of love of the parent (thoughts about life, Creator) and in turn fills his life with love and inspiration (knowledge borne from experience, Holy Spirit) which conceives of more children in an endless cycle. The universe is not as random as it seems, God did not take the stars and toss them. It may seem that way, because we are the only planet we know of within a wide (wide relative only to us) radius with life. And the first few years of the planet were seemingly chaotic with volcanoes, earthquakes and a primordial soup of elements synthesizing into chemicals to form single-celled organisms that adapt and evolve into humans. We are the only species we know (and this is not true) that can think and feel emotions. Evolution seems blind and impersonal. Such an attitude is limiting. Hydrogen burnt into helium and had to wait to create all the elements on the period table until it hit iron, and then it burst outward to create the solar system. Out of hydrogen, all the necessary tools for life was conceived. In that same way, every animal in the ecosystem had to be created before it hit human and spread outward, forming the human race. Out of single celled organisms, all the necessary personalities, those interactions of every-DNA combination possible and self-perception, that could exist and had to exist were made. For every personality makes sense given its context, but then there reaches an age where one realizes that all persons, are united and the creators of their own reality- “God and nature as making one whole, or all things together as making one universe (Blake).” Our stem that connects us all to the fern…the cosmic strings we can’t see that plug us into our frets so that God can play his heavenly hand on us, with all his heart and soul.
Oprah Winfrey:Duct tape is like the force. It has a light side, a dark side, and it holds the universe together.
Oprah, you genius! The force that holds the universe together- unseen but it’s the dark matter and dark energy in the macro-sense and gluons in the micro-sense! The force! The Chi! Cosmic strings! Who knows WTF the force is; science is working on it, right? What about quarks, gluons and the oft-overlooked monads?
The words are absolute, and while we live in a relative and subjective world, their may be discordance as to what God is saying until our language and education is fixed so that we all understand the underlying universal consciousness, the telepathic Christ-consciousness/Buddha nature, the unity of all our souls that are just modulations of the same key, variations of the same theme, in the great hymn of Love- which is the sound of God’s music- Absolute and Pure Love, Truth and Beauty.
You will live up to your own expectations. You create your own luck, your own character, and your own destiny. How you feel depends on your neurological know-how. Future evolution depends on your decisions now.
Shine your light of concentration all inside and find God in “that secret place”. Remember that you make your own reality. Life has the meaning that you give it. And meaning cannot be quantified like numbers; meaning is substance and quality.
“Every Thing has its own Harmony & Proportion. Two Inferior Qualities in it. For its Reality is its Imaginative Form.”
If you can imagine your harmony and proportion, your homoeostasis where your body, mind and soul are at an equilibrium, where your life and balance are that much closer, you can find that inner peace of mind, that quiet of the soul that is quiet only in that your thoughts no longer exist- only God’s thoughts exist. You can find where only God speaks, and you can reflect the divine inside of you.
Bill Hicks: Speculating on how a television news anchor would deliver a "positive" LSD story: "Today, a young man on acid realised that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration, that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively, there is no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we are the imagination of ourselves... here's Tom with the weather"
I have this phantom voice in my head; she narrates my visions. Memory and imagination blur together when I use my third eye; but there is a certain clarity to this blurriness that allows me to see straight through to the Other Side; like a seeing-eye image that you stare at and then take a step back until a 3-D image pops out at you. No wonder I can’t see my soul- it is the Clear Window where my God gazes through my eyeballs and into the light known as existence here on earth. Inversely, it is the Clear Window I look through to gaze at God. The Soul, the Spirit, call it whatever, is just a way of looking at things when you want to see where you came from, why you’re here, and we’re you’re going.
There is an electrical storm going on inside of my head
A flash of lightning in the dark
Holy baptism water conducts electricity
Like I would conduct like a Beethoven symphony
My ears are tuned into his frequency
But instead of music I can see a seeing-eye image
Structured like a pyramid
And it gets clearer every time I look inward
I kept getting déjà vu flashes from Eternity. Live and learn, then get Luvs. Old commercials. Late ‘90s pop songs. Old names.
Names of freaks who I ran from and freaks who I emulated. Old dreams. Old experiences I never learned to forget. Faces, tunnels, prophecies, muses. I burn with an intense desire not unlike diarrhea; catch me walking briskly as I hurry on to my computer to connect the dots, plug in the numbers, synthesize ideas and use shamanistic magical rituals to report back my inner visions.
Whenever I am not using my third eye, the window has a curtain over it. But when I concentrate, the veil is lifted, and I can see the light inside of me. Sometimes it happens unconsciously, like a light bulb that goes off in my brain, and if I’m lucky, I’ll recognize it for what it is- The Perfect Order that architects have made it their destiny to recreate on the physical plane; that composers became obsessed with and heard as they walked down the street into deafness and madness; that we all have access to. Everyone from carpenters to tapestry makers to the visualizors, those eccentric manipulators of form, to show us how.
Sometimes when I look outward (at the world, my eyes being open) I can see the result of other people looking inward at that seeing-eye image. Sometimes it happens when I see or hear something beautiful for the first time, and it chills me. Perfect form is a song, a piece of art, a scene in a movie that sends shivers down my spine. I’m looking in two places at once- inward and outward. I’m recognizing God as manifest in form. But then it passes away. But for that short time that I really appreciate the beauty of something, realizing its source as the eternal inner vision, I see God’s work. I see it especially when someone puts all their heart into a labor of love- be it charity or justice or just lifting the spirits of family or friend in a very authentic and conscientious, meticulous manner.
You know how when you look into a cloud and you see some beautiful form in it, and your friend sees some entirely different beautiful form? That’s an apt metaphor for looking inside one’s self. We all see different forms, but it is the same Kingdom of Heaven. I just need to illuminate the darkest regions of our consciousness, concentrate as if it were a seeing-eye image, and then the guidance, knowledge and answers will pour into us…
Sometimes I concentrate really hard on what I’m doing, putting all my heart into it, and then I am manifesting God into my work. I’m reflecting the divine inside of me, passing something over from the “Other Side” (the depths of my consciousness) into this one by putting my individual stamp on my creations, creating a form out of my pre-existing materials, knowing that both the form and the materials came from the same place, even though the materials came from the earth and the idea came from my consciousness, the earth came from that very consciousness that even now is reading this in the form of you, the reader. You just have a different mission than I…
The earth is a microscopic universe, and I am a microscopic earth; the earth is light with substance, substance with feeling, feeling with consciousness. What is the light, you may ask? What is it trying to hide?
Everything. First, there is the good order that rests in the mind of the Creator. Then, the light of a supernova creates all the tools the creator needs, in the form of the elements- thereby creating substance and form, God being the substance of his own form. Finally, after the elements evolve into meat, the Creator’s consciousness arises from the sentient meat, allowing for them- us – animals- to demonstrate the beauty of the Creator’s mind here and now; Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven- the mind of God.
“Everything’s foreseeable. Everything has already been foreseen. What has been fated cannot be avoided. Even this baked potato. This fork. This chunk of bread. This thought too. My grandmother sweeping the sidewalk knows that. She says there’s no god, only an eye here and there that sees clearly. The neighbors are too busy watching TV to burn her as a witch.”- one of my favorite quotes.
This is the third eye, probably located in the pineal gland. The Clear Window into the perfect order of our souls. Being moral is not enough; to understand where morality comes from is to understand what Socrates said: "The only good is knowledge and the only evil is ignorance."
And now we bit the apple of the knowledge of Good and Evil, and in doing so, have flung our fate up into the air like a pinball, and as it comes crashing down around us, the best we can do is to find inner peace- that secret garden inside our minds that returns us to a state of equilibrium, where we see that we are God, and then are able to express it. Biting that apple was the best thing we could have done.
Sometimes when I close my eyes and look inward (when I dream or meditate or pray), I can see that the forces of light and dark are the forces of awareness and ignorance. I do not wish to be ignorant of my own true self. I wish to illuminate my consciousness. And that’s why I’m here in the wilderness, breathing in the fresh air, listening to the stream and bird calls. Not speaking; just listening for an echo, so I can find The Voice. Not looking; just searching for a memory, so I can have A Vision. And my intention is to be an artist of vocabulary; a vocabularist; and convey The Message as simply as possible. It gets easier with practice, thank God.
So we can’t see our own souls, but we can see life one way, and with our will, strength and intention we can order it accordingly to the way that we feel within when we are at peace. That’s why things in nature tend toward spherical shapes and perfect symmetry; but also must tend toward chaos, so the cycles can continue and progressively reach a higher order, because it learns from its own mistakes - adaptation. That Highest Order- that’s the way “heaven” is organized, and everything in “heaven”, being accessible through our consciousness, is the necessary order of our souls. That is why we humans long for peace, security, control, and predictability. It is also why we long for variety, spontaneity, and disorder- because too much of a good thing is not good at all. If there is no challenge, no stress, and therefore no way to grow. And the nature of the universe is to keep growing, to keep learning from itself, to keep healing itself, and to keep expanding toward the Most High. I see no difference between God, enlightenment, heaven, Brahman, and “the Other Side”; I see no difference between the spirit, the soul and Atman- they are just the third eye, the Clear Window, that gazes upon God. I only know they exist as long as I grow the lizard's tale of faith, hope and trust in God. They are my gateway to accessing what always is and always has been and always will be there- the God consciousness, the Buddha nature that is inside of me. That is why they call "getting possessed by the Holy Spirit" any action in which it seems like God has overtook the mind and body of a true believer. My spirit exists no matter what as that gateway, that window, that "eye that sees"- as long as I believe in God, I can contact him through my spirit. Our souls are not meant to be seen; they are meant to be seen through. The only way God and our souls do not exist is the mind of the non-believer. Paradoxically, they only way they do exist is in the mind of the believer. What I call "God" someone else, including my old self, would call "peace of mind;" but then again, "peace of mind" takes on a whole new meaning when you experience it with an open-mind toward the divine. Trust me.
Just believe and you can do.
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