“reality is a wave function that moves backwards and forwards in time” John L. Castri
We have our moment of reality check-ins as it passes through our consciousness. Maybe beforehand we were shortsighted and lying to ourselves- getting away with a good ride while it lasted. But then we realize we didn't know diddly. So we have to rebuild. And it’s always like that; reality comes in and puts us in our place when we act like we know too much. And it crushes us; it’s like we built a sand castle only to have it swept away, except the sand castle was everything we build our confidence, self-esteem and knowledge and faith on. We think we can explain the meaning of love, life and God; and then BLAM! Reality ends our little charade and we find out the support system we built wasn't strong enough to hold the weight of how it really is. But thinking we were in our cozy niche was fun while it lasted, wasn’t it life-affirming?
You know those moments where everything makes sense- just comes together, everything seems to be in its place, and you’d swear the stars aligned because a miracle just happened in a way only you could understand? When you're on top, you never see your downfall coming. You're not supposed to. You're not supposed to worry about it either. Then, when the rug gets pulled out beneath you, you demand things go back to the way they were before, but it can’t. It’s like everything you’ve done that was so important and meaningful was all a game. There’s that hollow, empty feeling, like you want what you can’t have; except what you want is the basic comfort that should be mandatory for everyone. But the only reason I feel secure is because I know that with every new low, there is a new high waiting for me. Reality has really put me in my place, so when I finally am secure and confident again, it will be increased because I’ll actually have felt like I learned something. And I did learning something, I’m not living a lie anymore. At least not the same lie. And at the time, what I believe will be so true to me, because I’ll know I’m seeing past the fog that once clouded my vision. This is really the only thing that keeps me going- knowing that with every new low, my new high will be that much higher. That new moments are on their way where everything will come together and be life-affirming, like God and I are smiling at some secret joke.
Everything goes in cycles, and each time I learn something and then use what I learned. Then I get too arrogant with my beliefs, but the tide comes in just in time to destroy my fantasy world. It’s humbling, really. Even though everything I worked for was not as important as I thought it was, I needed to do it at the time, and I realize that. But I have to soak in the harsh truth and move on. There are no pieces to pick up; it’s not like my belief system has been shattered. It’s just that reality shines its light on what’s real and constant- and that is uncertainty and entropy- where everything returns to dust. My old reasoning lies in the shadows; they moved me at one point, but now it’s really useless in the face of reality. What was once easy is now impossible, but it’s all a circle, and as long as I remember everything I’m going through is preparing me for being the realest person I can ever be, it has meaning. And as long as I remember that with every low, there will be a new high, then I won’t give up.
“Castles made of sand fall in the see, eventually” Jimi Hendrix
"Sometimes you're flush and sometimes you're bust, and when you're up, it's never as good as it seems, and when you're down, you never think you'll be up again, but life goes on." - George Jung's father in Blow
“When love is gone and the one you thought would stay does you wrong / and you're left alone to pay the price-- / is high, but somehow you'll survive – turn the other cheek and don’t give in / that old wheel is gonna roll around again / That old wheel, it’s gonna roll around once more / and when it goes, it’ll even up the score / don’t be weak, as they sow they will reap, don’t give in / that old wheel will roll around again” Johnny Cash
“And when you wake up, everything is gonna be fine / I guarantee that you'll wake in a better place / at a better time / so you're tired of livin’ / feel like you wanna give in / Well don’t; it’s not your time” Streetlight Manifesto
"I've got a masterplan babe,I been workin on it from the start.
Pluggin in all of the numbers, watchin it on all of the charts.
Just cause it starts off slow babe,
Doesn't mean it don't have a heart.
You'll be walkin round showin off someday
And it'll take you right back to the start.
It's everything that you want babe.
It's everything that you need." My Morning Jacket
“Entropy and uncertainty won’t yield to you” the Vandals
"And this too shall pass" King Solomon (?)
Everything tends to return to zero state- physics
Your soul goes back to zero- Pure Land Buddhist monk
“Everything’s a cycle, you gotta let it come to you / and when it does you’ll know exactly what to do” Bright Eyes
“Reality is a wave function that moves backwards and forwards in time” John L. Castri
“Point B [the future] chases its own tail (Point A) [the past] in an effort to return to the zero-state [point C, from which came point A and B, which are supposed to be point C but stretched out in a space-time dimension], the forward point will slightly sift inward in an attempt to catch its tail. Thus it will acquire the shape of a spiral.For particles [to return to the point of zero-state] it would require all the energy of the universe” Chaul Ryu
Bill Hicks, speculating on how a television news anchor would deliver a "positive" LSD story: "Today, a young man on acid realized that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration, that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively, there is no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we are the imagination of ourselves... here's Tom with the weather"
How can I come up with a belief in reality? When I read something that feels true, I look to support it.
Go off of “the universe is one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively”:
Each perspective an experience of a subjective form of heavy matter and genetics infused with a temperament of the universal consciousness and sharing experiences of objectivity with other individuals in the world, though reacting to it differently based on their different perspectives.
The universal consciousness leaves the form at death, leaving the material shell behind
The subjective mind of that individual, though, lives on in memory of its experience
Subjective experience is then something taken with the spirit when it leaves the material form
Then each person lives on in the collective memory of the universal consciousness
What better place for God to exist than in the mind?
We experience God subjectively, so we can’t prove it, but it’s still a personal, emotional relationship that is felt and not seen.
“Everything’s foreseeable. Everything has already been foreseen. What has been fated cannot be avoided. Even this baked potato. This fork. This chunk of bread. This thought too. My grandmother sweeping the sidewalk knows that. She says there’s no god, only an eye here and there that sees clearly. The neighbors are too busy watching TV to burn her as a witch”
All the things we wish God would do- end war, famine, hunger, disease, depression, exploitation, greed and corruption- we have to do ourselves. That is possibly how God exists- when we answer the cries of our friends and fellow man where God supposedly is silent. We speak for him without realizing it.
You know how when you look into a cloud and you see some beautiful form in it, and your friend sees some entirely different beautiful form? That is what heaven must look like.We experience the same event, but it takes different forms based on our imaginations. Even Christians, who have a shared projection of their imagination onto the cloud of heaven, will differ from person to person on the minor details.
Elizabeth Kubler-Ross worked at a hospital and recounted instances of people who have died and been resuscitated. Some people saw the face of God, some Buddha, some felt the love of Jesus- it depended upon their religious beliefs. People who committed suicide, though, saw nothing. This suggests that life and death are a natural cycle and we should not mess with it. It also suggests that ones beliefs and attitudes shape their destiny.
What you can conceive of happening becomes the basis of your thoughts; reality is shaped by the perspective of the lenses in which you view them. The forms, the archetypes, the symbols and manifestations of fears, desires, hopes and love are often shared by others, making them objectively real or universal symbols as agreed upon by the convention of general human consensus. But there are slight variables, making all of our common fears and desires unique in their special ways, in relation to our subjective minds. Everything you experience happens within the confines of this realm you created for yourself by your own conceivable limits.
The only thing to “transcend” is our level of thinking:
"In the province of the mind, what is believed to be true is true, or becomes true within certain limits to be learned by experience and experiment.
These limits are further beliefs to be transcended. In the province of the mind. There are no limits."John C. Lilly
If you ever dare say or do something past your limits, such as explore your far side or face an irrational fear to find an experience you can’t put a label on, you can reject it as not true and deny the experience. Possibly you stay away from an unexplored reality because you say you can’t deal with because you conceive it to be overwhelming. Or you let your guard down, experience uncharted parts of you, and accommodate it and thus change your belief system. If reality fails to change your attitude, though, then you only fail to have a better understanding of yourself and the world around you. But we all have our walls. The break down bit by bit, either by us or by fate, and it’s how we react to the reality of experience- our emotional responses- we are changing the prescription to the lenses in which we view the world; opening our minds to get the big picture of what’s real.
I say let change happen, because change is real. Let reality happen. Accept it. Love it or fear it, but accept it. Don’t deny experience. Don’t deny other people’s experience. Be able to assimilate it into your constructs of reality. Make it yours. Make your lenses better reflect reality. Don’t be a table under a glass surface, and allow other people’s experience to be spilled on you and just run off your deflective shield. Be like wood and warp with the liquid of truth others spill onto you by their being. And by all means, warp yourself. Dare. Challenge yourself. Question everything. Be humble. You can only be you, no matter how uncertain things get. And you are the master of your destiny; literally, the creator of your own world.
"Ideas are Toys. The Search for Truth is a Game.Believe Nothing. Explore Everything."
“The unexamined life is not worth living” Socrates
"Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing ever happened."----- Sir Winston Churchill
"Far better is it to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure...than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much, because they live in a gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat." - Theodore Roosevelt
"The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and all science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead: his eyes are closed." - Albert Einstein
"There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy - Shakespeare
"I always remember an epitaph which is in the cemetery at Tombstone, Arizona. It says: 'Here lies Jack Williams. He done his damnedest.' I think that is the greatest epitaph a man can have." - Harry S. Truman
“I do believe, you are what you perceive / What comes is better than what came before” Lou Reed of the Velvet Underground
“Watch your Thoughts, they become words.
Watch your Words, they become actions
Watch your Actions, they become habits.
Watch your Habits, they become character
Watch your Character, for it becomes your Destiny”
“God, speaking to Neale: You cannot not be. You can change form all you wish, but you cannot fail to be. You can only fail at not knowing Who You Are, and in this failing, experience only the half of it.
Neale: That would be hell.
-Exactly, yet you are not condemned to it. All that it takes to get out of hell, to get out of not knowing, is to know again.
The son experiences the creation of the fathering thought, which is conceived of by the Holy Ghost. What you experience changes what you conceive. It is a cycle. Can you conceive of yourself as one day being a God?
-In my wildest moments.
-Good, for I tell you this: You are already a God. You simply do not know it. Have I not said, ‘Ye are Gods’”
Neale Donald Walsch in Conversations with God
“my war paint is sharpie ink and I’ll show you how much my shit stinks
and ask you what you think because your thoughts and words are powerful”- Kimya Dawson
It starts with attitude- do you allow yourself for imagination? What is conceivable to you in life and death? What convictions come as a result of your attitude? This is how perceive the world- through this attitude.
This is the fertile crescent of your own personal, individual, subjective, unique perspective.This fertile foundation conceives of a million thoughts every second, which grow in the garden of your mind. The thoughts you give attention to get the most sunlight, and two or more thoughts can synthesize and parent an idea, a concept that articulates the life you are experiencing. You can have a million thoughts at once, consciously or unconsciously, depending on your intent, which focuses the light on the seeds of thought so they can grow. Keep in mind “mind over matter”, because your life is not determined by what happens to you, it’s your perspective and belief system that interpret this reality and make it good or bad. It’s not that events are value neutral; good and bad is determined in relative terms by society- by how much oppression of freedom and infringement on fairness and respect and equality. In terms of being relative to your own freedom as a human being- freedom to learn, freedom to grow, freedom to evolve into the person you want to be, you need to be responsible for what you’re feeding your mind. You can turn a negative into a positive. And in life, we need the negative to appreciate the positive. Life is a test of negativity to see if we can grow through it all.
Let us be the water, let our attitude be Jesus’ mind, let’s turn ourselves into wine and have a real good time!
Let us end worry whenever we can. Let us turn pain into strength. Let us learn and grow and pass this test called life. Enjoy the bright side of life; what stupidy and fears you in your way should be laughed at.
Belief is the fundamental starting point. Belief in God, it is lost and found over and over again, but it is one of two choices that are impossible to know for sure: either God exists, or God does not exist.
“Whoever says they know for sure is full of crap”- Tim O’Brien
Just remember:
“Believing is seeing, not the other way around.”- The Orphanage
We know that people with an internal locus of control, people who don’t feel at the mercy of persons, places and events, accomplish more things because they believe they are at least somewhat in control of their lives. Also, a person in a bad mood all the time will walk around all day and only see the bad things in life and use it to support his pessimistic outlook on life. A person with a good attitude will see the beauty in everyday life, and can experience sacred things every day because of it.
We’re all looking at the same cloud. We’re all going to die. We’re all “on the same boat”. If the earth was a living organism, we’d be all be the offspring of the same parent. If stars were alive, we’d be their grandchildren. If the first cause was an intentional act of creation, we’re all the formal manifestation of the cause of the first cause- be it God, or some random energy. We’re like sentient energy. What’s spiritual is enjoying being conscious of our aliveness while we’re alive, knowing it’s just a ride. To enjoy it, we have to progress. To progress, we’ve got to learn. Learn what? Exactly.
Learn who you are and why you're here. Practice positivity to do so. I mean, right? Whoever learned anything from being trapped in vicious cycles? Old patterns? Addictions and stunting habits? Why have a crutch? Why be timid?
"Look, I really don't want to wax philosophic, but I will say that if you're alive, you got to flap your arms and legs, you got to jump around a lot, you got to make a lot of noise, because life is the very opposite of death. And therefore, as I see it, if you're quiet, you're not living. You've got to be noisy, or at least your thoughts should be noisy and colorful and lively.”-Mel Brooks
Life is a ride.
“And when you choose to go on it, you think it's real because that's how powerful our minds are. And the ride goes up and down and round and round. It has thrills and chills and it's very brightly coloured and it's very loud and it's fun, for a while. Some people have been on the ride for a long time and they begin to question, is this real, or is this just a ride? And other people have remembered, and they come back to us, they say, ‘Hey - don't worry, don't be afraid, ever, because, this is just a ride...’ And we... kill those people. ‘We have a lot invested in this ride. Shut him up. Look at my furrows of worry. Look at my big bank account and my family. This just has to be real.’ Just a ride. But we always kill those good guys who try and tell us that, you ever notice that? And let the demons run amok. But it doesn't matter because: It's just a ride. And we can change it anytime we want. It's only a choice. No effort, no work, no job, no savings and money. A choice, right now, between fear and love. The eyes of fear want you to put bigger locks on your doors, buy guns, close yourself off. The eyes of love, instead, see all of us as one. Here's what we can do to change the world, right now, to a better ride. Take all that money that we spend on weapons and defenses each year and instead spend it feeding and clothing and educating the poor of the world, which it would many times over, not one human being excluded, and we could explore space, together, both inner and outer, forever, in peace. " Bill Hicks
“To me, there are three things we all should do every day. We should do this every day of our lives. Number one is laugh. You should laugh every day. Number two is think. You should spend some time in thought. And Number three is, you should have your emotions moved to tears, could be happiness or joy. But think about it. If you laugh, you think, and you cry, that's a full day. That's a heck of a day. You do that seven days a week, you're going to have something special"
Jim Valvano
“Pray in the morning. Be active at noon. Eat in the evening. Sleep at night.”
“Do what you have to do before you do what you want to do” Denzel Washington
We are all here for a purpose- to learn who we are, and in doing so, we learn what we want. By knowing what we want, we know what our purpose is. This knowledge is power. It gives us a principle to stick to, an attitude to have, and a job to do. Play is fun because it is the opposite of doing our job. We play ourselves as mere mortals. We get drunk on the fact we are not the almighty God of Gods who created the universe.
“To feel trivial and idiotic and to live with this feeling is to be a hero in a way that no god can be” – Stevie Smith
This extremism in celebration of stupiduty is fun in moderation, yes. Getting drunk every now and then is a blast. Making mistakes and being stupid and realizing it is a cosmic joke- the comedy and the tragedy that makes up the epic story of life. Have your moments of foolishness. But remember you are God, just on a different dimension of consciousness. The universe experiencing itself subjectively. If you fall into your fears and worries and musts and desires and lusts and money and other people’s opinions about you, you are lying to yourself, pretending you truly need all these things. Give your foolishness a big Buddha belly laugh. Learn from your ego dramatic games of self-esteem, pride and discrimination. Parts of me are insane and want me to die; I have to come to terms with their nature. I have to realize my inherent negative dark side and understand it. To understand my limits, by foolishly pushing them, I learn from experience until it hurts; until the thought of another transgression is seen as a personal sin against myself and society. To be aware of my faults, to watch my negativity scream, to watch others scream fear and hate and suicidal tendencies and recognize it in myself- and to let its rage pass without acting on it now is my version of respect, honesty, and understanding.
“This above all: to thine ownself be true"- Shakespeare
Integrity means not selling yourself and your dreams short. Knowing what you want and not standing for anyone belittling you. It means not belittling yourself and denying you have a soul without giving the possibility of its existence a chance.
I hate saying "if there is a God, then..." because it's either one or the other, and if I'm going to put myself in the shoes of a believer, I might as well do some method acting. I might as well take a leap of faith and believe.
I believe God is in us. Then I believe in myself, love, and mankind's capability not to kill itself off.
The universal consciousness experiences itself through us. It is the eye that sees here and there during our mortal lives, when we have our revelations and everything makes sense. What we call our souls, I believe, is the spiritual energy directly from the Eternal Source, beyond space-time, that expanded itself as matter in the big bang to experience itself in all its power. This eye of universal consciousness is in our brains, but it doesn't come from pure reason. Call it Christ-consciousness, or Buddha nature.
I say to myself, just conceive of yourself as a feeler of God, because everything we experience, God, as the source, experiences. Now you are like God’s hand, so give handshakes to life! Live for the experience of yourself/the world and the source of the universe (they are two sides of the same thing, ultimately)! Matter and energy- what's visible and what's invisible - what we percieve to exist and what exists but we cannot percieve - the manifestation and the source - they are one.
"form is emptiness; emptiness is form" Buddhist philosophy
Soon enough, you will return to God. You will be a god yourself if you can concieve of it. Your imagination, influenced by your experiences, which are experienced as a result of your thoughts, which come from your attitude's imagination, will see that cloud of eternity that everyone sees differently; you will see it in the forms you understand it. You will be a god here because anything you will has to manifest. You will be the source and its creation all in one, if you can accomodate such a philosophy. Remember, your philosophy becomes your destiny because it reaps the thoughts sown by your subjective perspective- your attitude on life. And thoughts become your destiny, which cyclically creates your attitude.
I view God like a child’s relationship to their parent- they and the mother are one at one point. Then comes separation. The child goes out to explore, and is sometimes anxious, but the mom is always right there waiting for the baby when it is done exploring. God is that source that is always behind us.
“Separation is divine” Broken Social Scene
It is just the Alpha and Omega swallowing each other in a spiraling dance across the universe.
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Where do I begin.? Well, I finally got a chance to read the entire piece. As I indicated to you already I felt your "Crazy Wisdom" essay was astonishing. It's very well written with your ideas flowing better than a chain-linked fence. The 1st 3 paragraphs frequently describe life. When we think everything is going nice and peachy, reality finds a way to settle in. It can be a small problem or a large problem. Like my pastor said once, When everything is going good and seemingly problem free, reality is out there getting its act together, getting ready to make its move (he didn't use those exact words, but that is in essence what he was saying).
However, I think sometimes we need the rug to be pulled out from underneath us. I think thats what keeps the world going around. We often times learn from that rug and i think it can create motivation in people to go out and change the situation, make things better, learn, etc. Even though it can be difficult to deal with sometimes.
"What better place for God to exist than in the mind?"
True, our relationship with God cannot be seen. However, do you think God exists more in the mind or in our souls, perhaps both?
I think you have some fine quotes here. The Jimi Hendrix and Churchill quote stick out in my mind, but all of them are quite good.
Thank you Brannon! It took me an hour to answer your question, and I don't have time to revise my answer because I have to do some homework. Enjoy it, though!
First of all, it is a leap of faith for me to assume we have a soul. I have something that feels, that laughs, that cries...but scientists say that could be the frontal lobes of my brain, which controls empathy.
Scientists also believe my pineal glands might be what developed in humans so they could experience mysticism; it is, some say, what makes me dream and gets released when people die and have near-death experiences as a comfort drug. It could be that the frontal lobes of my brain and my pineal glands are just there so my soul can be conscious of myself, and everyone (maybe animals?) has a soul, but since/if they don't have or use those parts of their brain, then they will not understand what their soul is.
It is hard for me to describe what I think the interaction of our souls and God is using words. To me the soul is our essence, the God consciousness, a kind of peaceful, loving temperament that has access to the other side. It doesn't do anything except act as a window between those two worlds of form and essence. It bears all that we are- which I believe is God. I believe this because Eastern religion believes our essence is our temperament, and Western religion believes our soul is a part of God.
Sylvia Browne would say it also bears the access to our purpose in life, such as some skill or knowledge of something great that we are here to accomplish. If we meditate, we can access our spirit guide, who is on the other side and looks through this window; our spirit guide will grant us anything we wish to know about the other side, and helps remind us of why we're here.
I'd like to believe that our soul carries our purpose, and that it interacts with our DNA genes and our social self, our ego that was created in our imagination as kids and provided us with the illusion of a self-image and self-esteem. I believe the ego does the soul's purpose. The ego is what feels pride and shame; the ego is what wants and wants and does and creates. The soul can't do anything but just "be". When you are peaceful and meditate, you just "be" and find that peaceful God within us. It carries our function.
Everyone has a function, I'm sure of it; I mean, we all have talents and skills and are creative in our own ways. Where does that come from? Determination might come from genes, but the skills we "learn" in class we might already know- we just "remember" them. But as Sylvia Browne points out, "think of ancient architecture: How could people with no real formal education ever conceive of such sophisticated structures? Why wouldn't they just build functional square buildings instead?" and that human imagination and genius exists on the other side first in these temples.
Sylvia Browne might have an over-active imagination, but then again, she should be right. I don't know, I've never read her books or meditated the way she says to so I can access any of these halls. I skimmed her book and she seemed to back herself up.
I'd like to think of our existence as The Machine That Built Itself. Everything is functional, and comes from the essence/source/God consciousness as either matter or energy. The primal matter and energy laid the foundation, and then reproduced itself, adapted, evolved and grew into matter that could become conscious of itself. That consciousness is the essence/source/God consciousness infused in us- our soul. Everytime someone is born, an individual is created to further on this Machine. The future probably already exists, and we are just catching up to it, each one of us performing some task to usher in the highest level of awareness that the essence/source/God consciousness has ever experienced. Once there is an individual, they live on in memory, but their bodies give out and that essence/source/God consciousness, like a caterpillar turning into a butterfly, moves onto to the next stage of consciousness.
But we like to wait for each other, because if people we love fall behind, we want to help them catch up. We feel empathy with all the other individuals, and find a way for them to grow, too. We support them and inspire them and motivate them and care for them and cheer them up and let them know when they're too arrogant and we try to do our best for them by helping to carry their burden. We help them learn and mature. Everything grows.
Why grow? Why adapt? Why not just stop at some level of being? Why evolve? Who knows the secret plan of life? The divine providence? I don't know. We're building each other up, in some elaborate system, replicating each other, adding dimensions and breaking limits in a way that only computers understand. Our souls are like a vast grid, or network, existing in some kind of matrix. They use our bodies like worker bees, possibly reincarnating (see Hinduism, Buddhism, Conversations with God, Sylvia Browne)until we become aware of ourselves (such is meant by the phrases "find yourself," "find your purpose") and complete our tasks and move on to the next level of consciousness (see Tim Leary's 8 Circuits of consciousness).
I believe we can channel God the Aplha-Omega (source-destiny), the eternal. We can do this by yoga, meditation, and some drugs that synthesize consciousness such as pot, shrooms, mescaline, salvia, LSD and DMT. Or if we concentrate, we can possibly to so while we work to create the beauty that exists in God's mind/the other side. It is probably through the pineal gland that we do this. It is all peace, love, awareness, being, understanding truth and beauty and sometimes not being able to formulate them into words yet.
But see, this is all taking for granted that the soul/God is not playing a comforting trick on us so we can survive, as some scientists would have us believe. But they don't know either, it's all theories of something nobody knows or can know, because God is subjective. And that's the beauty of it all- I don't think I would like to know 100% for sure- in other words- have God visible at all times to everyone. An objective God would spoil the fun. All we can say is that there is a source of existence that dates back prior to our knowledge, and that is both what religion and science study, sometimes hand in hand. And to me, that hand in hand studying, not ruling out God but not pretending to know the definitive truth about God, that is the best we can do. Metaphysics seems to be the way to go.
For further reading, I'd check out Sartre's commentary on the "Essence" versus "Existence" battle. It has been going on in philosophy forever.
It starts at the middle of the page where it says "Idealism, Essence and Existence". It's an athiest approach that says existence (your ego self) precedes essence (your eternal soul, which he didn't believe in); that essence was no soul but a part of one's existence.
I'd urge you to read it before you read this modern day guy's blog about it, though his blog might sum it up. Still, the guy is biased and an athiest.
The ancient Hindus disagree, so I would check out their argument too.
"The path or mixture of paths chosen for God-realisation is based on the temperament and nature of the person, Hinduism recognises that each person has a unique nature."
"Through yoga one can find the divine reality in all"
"Each person conceives of God according to his capacity, taste and temperament. You have your way. You have the freedom and the right to follow it; but your following "your way" should not cause problems to others. Just as you have your freedom, others must also have the freedom to find peace and joy,- in their own way."
A debate between a priest and philosopher on the existence of God through essence vs. existence:
See also:
Carl Jung's collective unconscious-
then look at all the links for "see also" and click on Akashic records.
Archetypes and Chakras-
Chakras are also interesting, and supposedly each arechetype has a chakra.
The chakras, a Sanskrit term referring to wheels, bring energy, (prana, chi, life force) from higher spiritual vibrational levels to link and integrate our physical and nonphysical bodies.
Monadology is also cool. The guy who created calculus believed God made this spiritual atoms called monads, but people believe in Netwon's particle theory instead.
Levels of consciousness:
absolutely amazing! great post!
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