Sunday, January 20, 2008

“August 6th and August 9th, 1945” (my intent and bottom line)

To the tune of "Holland, 1945" by Neutral Milk Hotel

It’s so sad to see the world agree with hate and grudges and corporal punishmentA council voted in favor of a jealous and vindictive god with wrath just like a hurricane whose followers would gladly kill in his name, teaching lessons full of flames

I’d hate to be bored with world peace I love drama it keeps me moving along at a constant pace but it’s hard enough as it is with our identity crisis then we’re told to live and die under the watchful resentful eye of a judge who expects some to fry and even though they’re his creations he doesn’t bat an eye to their pain even though he made them that way given inevitability "if you die in this life without being saved," they say, "there's no hope for you beyond the grave" oh what a degrading and arrogant thing to say

I’d hate to live on this earth without trying to bring religions together much like the Jedi they could unite against the dark side of humanity that lurks in us all at times, us and those we love will heed the siren’s call and sometimes some will go too far down the dark side we watch them fall, what else can we do what else can we do?

We must fight like it’s all we’ve got to live for, we must have fun like it’s our business, as long as we don’t hurt anyone and live for progress cause everything must change but the essence of us stays continuous such as my love for all people especially my human trinity that’s the only God I’d kill and die for to protect my family, friends and self-respect don’t ask me to live on my knees or one of us will be dead before you can say please

Maybe I’ll throw that kid out from the path of that bus and to sacrifice myself for his potential innocence and if you ask me to sacrifice myself for the good of mankind I say I wouldn’t go out of my way to be a martyr but I will fight for what I know is right

Jesus already died for our sins I believe that he’s come back again in every hero I ever held grand; collectively the good souls form him with every light inside that shines the face of God grows that much clearer, no doubt we are his mirror, as time goes by he realizes himself the universe wakes up from a bad dream of hell

Yeah it is all just a dream things are not what they seem sometimes I cry sometimes I scream sometimes I fight sometimes I just want to dream my free will is there when I sleep it revitalizes me from this bittersweet sequence of events I have visions from divine intervention in which I will shake the world you love, the world I love but sometimes can barely take, the small disputes as long as they don’t escalate; I know you can’t have pleasure without pain maybe drama makes life more interesting maybe tragedies make life more meaningful but they can make life seem meaningless and souls seem worthless it all depends on how you look at it, I just wish people weren’t ignorant and if they were that they’d learn quick that extreme self-esteem too high or low can only result in evilness

Maybe America learned about religious hatred for a reason instead of fighting Islamic militants we now have a reason to understand them, the change is on our hands to learn a lesson, not try to act out vengeance, I believe that war leaves unfounded prejudice or pride and resentment on either side I believe vacuum of death leaves holes inside that can either be dressed with pain that we can turn into strength either negativity or positivity, you can tell which one will weigh us down and make us more stressed and closer to death; no doubt when someone or something dies you’ll feel both negative and positive conflicting inside but the point is for the positive to win that violence doesn't breed hate and revenge and beget more violence; that loss doesn't leave us faithless and self-destructive

But we're drunk off post-traumatic stress, we need intervention to get it off our chest; wrath is the tool of Satan if we don’t vent it in a constructive and safe way we’ll only keep the dark side alive with our fear and lack of faith; apathy is also mean it makes us colder than the moon or the bottom of the sea; a mind full of worry and confusion; and in this day and age complacency or social polarity; vicious behavioral cycles of anxiety; not learning from our mistakes all ain't free they're as detrimental as slavery

The prophecy says it’s got to get a lot worse before it gets better and after World War II I don’t want it to get any worse I don’t know about you I say “end all wars!” if anything they should be settled with sports with compromises either way but I wish for no borders no distinction between reason and faith between any religion between ourselves and the “other” we used to hate whether we were in a gang, part of a team, or held some imaginary stake in our race, ethnicity, state, clan, tribe, gender, sexuality, caste or last name our balance between work and leisure needs to change the inequality is insane for people all over this world who have no say in their jobs, or freedom to be treated the same

I wish to end this political game that divides people by their values when we all value the same thing honesty, conscientiousness, loyalty and empathy, trust, respect, freedom and family if we all followed them than we would barely need a government maybe we’d even all pitch in to keep our communities clean for free and still have the time to work on our individuality we’d open our eyes to overpopulation and our planet’s decimation, the need for alternative energy and emphasize unity over division in this global identity crises, but I believe the only way for us to realize this is a change the size of which the average mind could never dream he’s too busy mirror-imaging that’s why I call this a revolution it’s just a holy manifesto of common sense the sense of our grandchildren’s happiness a call for people with open-minds to study other illuminated minds to lead their friends, family and community forward one step at a time it all starts with baby steps we need you to teach even if it’s just a small number of people most people don’t really analyze religion it’s up to us to turn show them they already are warriors, their decisions have worldwide implications, we must infiltrate the system with all our crazy wisdom all the truth our loved ones can handle they’ll in turn make society a place where everywhere you turn diversity is celebrated and religion is never exclusive so please tell your loved ones this:

Whether we get down a mat and pray to Mecca, meditate or teach our kids about Jesus, whether we experiment with quarks or CAT-Scans, observe patterns in nature or ancient and modern wisdom, whether we worship the earth below us and the skies above whether we stand up against injustice or recognize unconditional love, whether we articulate the human condition, whether we teach students to make the world a better place, whether we dance until we’re in a trance, experiment with psychoactives, whether we surf a beautiful wave, express our joy and pain, whether we lay our brethren in their grave, use our imagination or say grace, kiss a turtle in the face, climb a cliff or win a race then humble ourselves to virtue and fate all these things are celebrating the same God who put us in our place the mysteries of life await when we die we’ll all be in the same place that doesn’t mean we’re on the same page Jesus knew he was God and cared not for earthly pleasures he cared only to save humanity he knew humanity was divine we’re all still grappling with that line “ye are Gods” to realize that is to know what is right, yeah, to realize that is to know what is right, we’ll all act on it maybe just not in this life

Because to realize that and act on it would mean the forces of light would encompass most of life and if there’s mostly peace on earth that would better serve the creator’s purpose the only drama we would need would be to study history and act it out in virtual or staged reality just for kicks and not get caught up in it we’d still have our traditions that make us different but we’d never forget our unity as a whole the only battle of good and evil is in our soul if we don’t learn the truth that’s out there then we’re doomed to repeat the same mistakes over again and if that ain't hell I don’t know what is I said if that ain't hell I don’t know what is.

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