On Homosexuality:
Order and security are important, but so is freedom:
Freedom to do what the other people are doing- even if you can’t it’s good to have the option to try.
Freedom to attempt your childhood or your wildest dreams
Freedom to not be suffocated by any relationship
Freedom to do things without feeling obligated to do them to ensure stability
Freedom to take chances
Freedom to be independent
Freedom to have all your choices not be made for you
Freedom to follow that good looking person on the subway into that restaurant and talk to that person no matter who they are
And if I die a free man, at least I’ll know I was living the dream
And if the law doesn’t include my freedoms just because of something they don’t understand, don’t want to understand, and want to control me over the hand I was dealt- whether it be the shape of my body, the color of my skin, my last name, or my sexual orientation, then I will be in constant conflict with the law. Who put me here, in this body? Was it God? What does the constitution say about this? Where are my unalienable rights to pursue happiness and get the same marriage benefits or work benefits or hospital benefits as a straight man? Just because tradition doesn't recognize gay marriage doesn't mean God doesn't. No man who ever wrote the Bible, be it the author of Leviticus, of Romans, or whoever spoke of sodomy, was a gay man. Therefore, they did not understand it is a condition you are dealt with- something I understand because I am gay. You need to distinguish between the condition of a sexual orientation with the acts of a sexual orientation I’m not dealt with the orientation to go jogging, to like tuna, to enjoy dancing, or to be mystified by mysticism and psychedelic drug use, or to be attracted to sodomy, am I? Those are all tendencies I act out based on satisfying desires of my particular, unique and individual soul. Those are all actions that involve the weighing of fears and desires and action and reaction. Before an act is performed, such as sodomy, you weigh the consequences like any action. You have free will.
But you don’t weigh the consequences of being attracted to men!
I’m sure you, as a straight person hearing this, never one day was like, “hmm, you know, if I chose to like women I get to enjoy the benefits of being able to run my hand through her silky hair and get breasts to squeeze, while if I chose to be attracted to men I might be scorned and get body hair all over me. I think I’ll choose the former, because it seems like the better choice.”
That was never the case, and if it was, you are probably a little bisexual for even entertaining the idea of sex with men. I never weighed the consequences of being gay; it was a desire that I had no control over. I reacted against it; I prayed against it; I tried to date women. But going against it felt so unnatural.
But the people who wrote the Bible, being straight, didn’t understand this. First of all, we all have to agree that people wrote the Bible. The New Testament was a collection of stories passed down from parent to child and not codified and canonized until a group of bishops decided what could get into the Bible. (http://www.catholic.com/thisrock/1993/9301fea2.asp)
It was like a game of telephone, as you can see from any story passed on orally. It was up to a few privileged men to put their version of the Bible into words. Now St. Paul would call sex outside of procreation unnatural perversions (Romans 1:18). He believed in a wrathful God who wanted death as punishment to the greedy, the evil, the god-haters, the arrogant, the gossipers, the faithless and those who performed “depraved acts;” he possibly based this off of the Old Testament when Sodom was destroyed. He attributed all evil to the source of 1) not thanking God and 2) not glorifying him. Now if this doesn't sound like one man’s opinion to you, then you are blind. Should we go out and kill every stockbroker because they are greedy, every one that we think is evil, and what the hell is a god-hater, anyway? Someone who’s not Christian? Should we go out and kill our arrogant rappers, athletes and actors? Should we kill the writers for every tabloid magazine because they gossip? Should we kill everyone who feel as though they lost faith in God? What if it is Catholicism that is the source of one’s arrogance, evilness, or depraved acts, and one becomes faithless because of the evil inside the church? Should we kill all those priests who touched boys? Should we kill all those Catholics who are arrogant enough to say their religion is the only true one? Should we kill a girl who leaves the Catholic church because of its corruption? Should we kill everyone who doesn't thank God or glorify him? We don’t do any of this shit. But guess what, homosexual acts used to be punishable by law in the UK until 1957, and it still is all over the world? Some countries, like Malaysia, have people in the government who say it is worse than murder! (http://www.time.com/time/asia/features/interviews/2000/09/26/int.malay.gay2.html) Other countries, like Islamic ones, will cut off your head (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT_rights_in_Iran)! In Jamaica, a gay act will receive ten years of hard labor, as if it would cure the gayness (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homosexuality_laws_of_the_world#North_America)!
Now I used to wish that homosexuality had a cure so I could take it. Now I’ve learned to love myself and my God-given condition. As gay person, I consider myself an authority on being gay, at least as far as my experience allows me. But St. Paul and authors, who, years after his death, came together and sat down to come up with what was to be included and what was not to be included in the Bible, were not gay. Therefore, they were not authorities on the subject.
“People fear what they can’t understand
And hate what they can’t conquer” Nasir Jones, poet
If you look around you, you’ll see this is true. People don’t understand people that they aren’t and can never be, and so when they try to be authorities on the subject, they fail. They fail because no straight person can even explain their own attraction to women, because it is irrational and hard-wired into them; and yet they try to explain something so foreign to them as homosexuality. They fail because they mirror-image and imagine that those around them view the world the same way that they do. They fail because they are trying to be an authority on something they know nothing about.
“People fear what they don’t understand” and they spread that fear to their fellow man, in an act called “fear-mongering” that unites people by fear of the unknown against something they perceive as a grave threat but in actuality is harmless and uncontrollable. If that isn’t wrong, I don’t know what is. Remember, if they can’t control it, then they can’t conquer it, and “people hate what they can’t conquer”. Fear always has the potential to lead to hate, and that is the Dark Side (Yoda, fictional master of the forces of Light; wise nonetheless). No religion should ever preach fear and hate; if it does, and especially if it uses this to make laws to restrict other people’s rights, then it was surely just a man’s opinion that made its way into the Holy Text. Remember, punishment in the civilization the Bible was written in was harsh, arbitrary, and fueled by man’s often insatiable bloodlust. There is some great stuff in the Bible, but man’s opinions got in the way of God’s message of Truth, Love and Beauty. That’s how you can tell if something in the Bible is man-made: 1) if it preaches God as a God of fear, hate or violence; if it tries to be an authority on something it knows nothing about, and 3) if it denies rights to anyone. You know that “Only God can judge me” (Tupac Shakur, poet). He judges the intent of the acts, not the acts itself; if one’s intent was to listen to their sexual desires and not hurt anyone in the process, then God sees that. If God is all-knowing and all-powerful, he would understand and be able to conquer homosexuality. If he understands it, then there is no reason to fear its existence. If God can conquer it, but since he never did, then it surely is serving some purpose. Did you know that there are gay dolphins? You can look it up and see what some dolphins have been observed to do. If it happens within nature, it is surely a natural thing. You see, nature has a way of leveling out its creations.
“First a mother bathes her child, then the other way around
The scales always find a way to level out”- Conor Oberst, poet
Right now, the earth’s population is growing out of control. Look at China- they are only allowed give birth to up to two children, and if they have more, they baby gets put up for adoption. Look at the slums. People live so close together, confined like rats in small cages. Living in the ghetto, some parents just don’t have the means to take care of their children, so they get put up for adoption. In 2005, there were 513,000 foster children. And think about all over the global what the total number might be. From 6.3 billion in 2002 to 8.9 billion being predicted by the U.N. for the year 2050, the world is becoming overpopulated and its resources are being depleted. The ecology of the planet is being decimated as well. We are literally destroying nature in irrevocable ways, and yet we have the nerve to still call homosexuality unnatural when it is balancing the scales of nature. I’d rather have homosexuality exist then a new Bubonic Plague to even the scales, wouldn’t you? Seriously folks, there have been reports that we are running out of land, out of resources, and out of technology to keep up. Dr. E.O. Wilson says that for everybody in the world to attain a new Western standard of living, we would need four new planets to provide all the nonrenewable natural resources we’re taking (http://www.guardian.co.uk/Archive/Article/0,4273,4137503,00.html). We are running out of space, and it is a grave threat we would like to be ignorant about, but we can’t. We our writing our grandchildren’s death certificates by not taking action. This whole thing about sex being for only procreation and not pleasure is bullshit. The book Conversations with God by Neale Donald Walsch explains this perfectly. Shows like Talk Sex with Sue Johansson should be celebrated and shown for free in institutions because it promotes not only safe sex but gives great advice against toxic relationships. It’s time we as a society woke up to the fact that not only should we not be demonizing sexual desires that go against the missionary position, but also that by demonizing them we cause more problems then good- think about the lack of sex crimes that would be here if we didn't have people suppressing their urges for sex, and then lashing out because of it.
I call for the churches to stop demonizing people based on who makes them horny and what makes them horny. The only kind of sex that should make someone be demonized is the sex that violates other people's liberty. Now there are people who enjoy being submissive and people who enjoy being dominate, so these people should have places they can go to act out their violent sexual fantasies. One of the problems with a rapist is that there are people out there willing to be "raped", but since the rapist doesn't know about it, he finds some easy prey somewhere. Sure, some have specific targets, but some just enjoy domination, even if it is staged. There should be a place where they sign a waiver that says the institution is not responsible for people's actions, so the people can act out their fantasies, with doctors nearby in case anything goes wrong, but this way they can meet likeminded people. Another problem with rapists and pedophiles is the stigma the church gives sex- it's so bad to do it for fun, they say. Well, the world is getting overpopulated, so we need to stop saying sex is only good for procreation. So some people just have repressed their sexual longings and it comes out violently in "uncontrollable" spurts. And people need to stop associating homosexuality, which is an orientation, with actions, which are made by choices. Homosexuality and things like necrophilia, pedophilia, and kinky sex are not in the same ballpark- it's something you have no say in! It’s the orientation/action distinction I made clear earlier.
About gay marriage and sex outside of marriage: People just need patience and discipline and maybe promiscuous sex will stop, but people need to find out the hard way sometimes why marriage is important. Gay marriage will not destroy the sanctity of marriage- straight marriage is already doing just that, what with 50% divorce rates recently. Gay marriage will not lead to people marrying animals; animals can't even consent to sex anyway. Your lies and your bullshit speculations come from the fact either 1) you are not gay so you don't know anything about it yet you pretend to be an authority on something alien to you or 2) you are afraid of homosexual tendencies you have and so you lash out at people as a defense mechanism. And just because you're curious and have homosexual tendencies doesn't mean you're gay, you're just somewhere closer to the middle of the scale of totally gay or totally straight. Dr. Alfred Kinsey, already went over this.
At the time the Bible was written, it was necessary for the survival of the tribe that people procreated. There were a lot of hazards from the harsh environments, and if everyone was running around being gay, their tribes would die off.
Now, times have changed. In fact, we will all die off from overpopulation. I’m not saying that just because the Bible is old and SOME of out is outdated, that the whole thing is. But SOME IS!
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