Sunday, January 20, 2008

My reaction to Kyle O'Connor's Facing Opposition Artwork: On Being One's Own Worst Enemy

Kyle O’Connor’s Art:
My reaction to his “Facing Opposition” piece inspired me to write this:

The only man who opposes me is me...and when I get in the way of myself, I am blinding myself from reality, I am choosing to ignore how I feel inside, I am choosing to deny experience and get back to "normal," when normal doesn't really exist no more. My intuition, my common sense, the divine part of me- they should be leading the way. I am my own worst enemy. Lord, wake me up from my sleepwalk of self-defeat. Wake me up every day, every hour, every minute, every second. I dedicate each moment to you for the covenant of infinite strength, wisdom, patience and discipline, righteousness and resurrection, truth, love and beauty. I give you my works, my thoughts, my words and my deeds; my faith, my hope and trust. I marry my faith to your promise. For the divine in everyone, for the divine in myself.

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