Monday, January 28, 2008

On Hell and Free Will

I believe hell does not exist as a separate reality from the world in which we live, like a place where all bad souls go for eternity. I subscribe to the theory of C.S. Lewis that Hell is optional- and is therefore purgatory. You can stay in hell for all of eternity of you so wish, but you still have the opportunity to leave whenever you want. His book, The Great Divorce, furthered my belief in a God of unconditional love.
Conversations with God posits the theory that there is no such thing as hell. He says that only a master can understand that even someone as bad as Hitler will not be punished by God for eternity. The purpose of life is to remember who you are, and if you do evil things like murder people and steal from them it shows, if anything, you have some growth to do, in your next lives, to fully understand why killing people is evil. The author says God’s qualities are Love, Truth and Beauty. Whenever we do something in life that embodies these qualities, we are experiencing God and vice versa- God is experiencing himself through us. So anything like God-fearing, a vindictive and jealous God, a wrathful God- is all bologna. God never meant for us to live stressed, worrying, afraid of our fellow man, afraid of our fate, afraid of Him or anything like that. As Yoda said, “fear leads to hate, hate leads to suffering; that is the path of the darkside”. As Nas said, “we fear what we don’t understand, hate what we can’t conquer”. In ancient times, the Nile overflowing would be a sign to the people that they did their duty to God. But when it didn't flood, they had done something wrong, and God had punished them by not fertilizing their crops. That’s where the whole idea of a vindictive God came from. And everyone wants a God who dishes out justice by killing bad guys and sending them to hell. But then why would God make bad people in the first place? Why did God invent the snake in the Garden of Eden? Why did he create a mind to let Satan fall from the angels? It’s all contradictory and senseless. The whole idea of Hell was to explain the unexplainable. Now does that give people an excuse to do evil? No! People should be held accountable for their actions. We are all sacred souls on a sacred journey, says Neale Donald Walsch. Any disrespect to the body or mind or soul, or anyone else’s, would be going against that principle. Destroying the very earth we need, and our grandchildren need, is evil because it is self-destructive. It disrespects the sacredness of humanity and all of God’s creations, buzzard or fern. And just because a bug or an insane person doesn't realize they are divine, doesn't give us the right to kill them. A more developed brain may make one more advanced, but it doesn't make us holier than anything on earth. Using our brains to the max can make us more righteous, but it doesn't make us unequal as children of God who deserve a chance to live free as long as they aren’t hurting anyone. Don’t forget, bad people usually get what’s coming to them. Pride comes before the fall. The first shall be last and the last shall be first. You live by stupidity and you'll die by stupidity.

I believe that hell exists as a state of mind. It could be someone who makes the same mistakes over and over again, like in the Greek myth of Sisyphus, who was condemned to keep pushing a rock up a hill and watch it roll down again. Tasks that are pointless and unrewarding, repetitive and consistently harmful, is a form of living hell. Total confusion is hell. Total fear is hell. Living in fear is about as far away from God as there is, but we all still have the chance to let go of our fear, and that is where free will comes in. Also hell can exist in the form of people whose basic needs aren't met- poor people and abused people can be living in hell if they have a terribly negative outlook on life and continuously feel forsaken. People who feel like they have no control are living in hell.
You mentioned you don't believe in free will. You make decisions all day long, and yet you feel trapped. Well, you chose to not believe in free will, didn't you? Or did that conviction chose you, you would ask? The choice is the light side or the dark side. There may be a certain direction, master plan, or instructional blueprint drawn up by an architect in the sky, call it God or fate or what have you. But what if something went wrong?

Sometimes I feel like before we were born, our souls were pre-existing, and we chose the life we were going to lead. We chose which family we wanted to be born into, which highs and lows we were capable of, and our bodies and personality were pre-existing as well. We have two endings- one that happens if we allow ourselves to fall victim to the burdens of life, and one that occurs when we realize our divinity. There are many dead-ends in the maze of life that we can chose if life goes to wrong and we want to opt-out of it, like a plane crash or something. Since we don't understand black holes, white holes and dark matter, maybe God uses those devices to transport ancient memories of our selves back into our brains through dreams and déjà vu to try to keep us on the right path. Depending on how cynical or close-minded we chose to be in life, we will take or leave those messages.
You see, God, before he walked on earth, could have only a idea of what it was like to be human. There was no way he could feel human pain or bodily limitations prior to manifesting himself in Jesus. God was just a Thought, a Mind (the Father). Then as he took the form of Jesus, he became Experience. God experienced himself through the Son, the Body. It was only through this that God had Knowledge of what it was like to be human. That's when the Holy Spirit descended upon the apostles.
So before we are born, we are gods who are planning out a rough outline of our lives. Say for this life my two outcomes were a military leader who leads a coup d'état and takes over the world for himself or a military leader who kills all the leaders of countries and unites the world for good. I know my two choices are going to depend upon my experiences, which I don't know for sure yet because I'm still just a Mind. Once I get a Body, and remember the pleasures of the flesh, I might become addicted to material things and get caught in a vicious cycle. And there's no shame in that, but it just isn't ideal. So God tries to remind me in dreams and messages and clues in my life that materialism is greedy and irresponsible and I can't take it with me when I go. But I forget that there is the war of light and dark here on earth and that by keeping up my coveting, materialistic selfish ways, I will be on the wrong side of history and a burden to my brothers and sisters on earth. I forget because I'm blinded by the illusion of happiness, as the Buddhists call it. I desire, therefore I suffer, and contribute to worldwide suffering through karma and the butterfly effect. I am sinning in the eyes of the Christian as well. So I worship my false idol of money and things and if I really exploit other humans for my greed than history will look upon be as a parasite and a cancer. Who are they to judge me, though? I die eventually and bring all this empty knowledge back to the spirit-world and I have learned nothing about life except that I made a mistake and wasted my time. I can't say it was fun while it lasted because even though I had my highs, I was still never satisfied, and I lived in fear of losing it all to jealous people. Thus I lived mostly in hell my whole life. Now that I'm dead, I realize what I did wrong, and I'll probably want to be reincarnated. There's free will again.
You can always choose to live again and your DNA is the instructions you take with you from the spirit world. There are only rough guidelines though- if I become powerful enough, I can change matter and alter my DNA. In fact, not only are my experiences changing my internal makeup, but my thoughts, and what I chose to feed my head, are changing it too. Will I listen to ignorant music all day, have violent thoughts and hopelessly do drugs so I can get the illusion of peace? Will I let faithless, mistrusting thoughts enter my head? Will think egotistical or paranoid or arrogant thoughts? If I say yes to all of these, than the inspiration of these thoughts will manifest themselves in my words and actions, my attitude and my character. My destiny will hence be what I made it because all I fed my mind was negativity. I didn't bother looking for idealism, for God or for an internal feeling of control. I felt either too weak or too strong. I died worrying. Now all the stress in my whole life had added up before I died. Stress weakens the immune system and causes pressure on the heart and stomach and brain and lungs. It activities depression genes I was pre-disposed to but not necessarily a slave to because if I had put myself in the right environment and fed my mind with the right thoughts and knowledge, I would have lived my life in control and overcame the depression gene. But like how when you sleep at night, dream of things that aren’t real, and this inspires the blood to expand the penis and the pressure to build up and produce a “big bang” of sperm, living a negative life of worrying about things that aren’t real has had physical results that killed me. Poor diet, physical inactivity and polluting the body with toxins are feeding the body in a negative way. Feeding the mind and soul, the latter through self-expression through skills as well as participation in the divine and eternal, is equally as important. The earth might as well be the body of our thoughts. Life is what we make it, the existentialists are correct. If we stop caring and become ignorant, the world will reflect that. But we are relatively stable now, if not on the brink of disaster, so it shows a tipping point. Our collective consciousness is on the verge of a new big bang. All the pressure of the fast-paced world and wasting the earth’s resources and religious intolerance is bound to expand our species to its breaking point. We have the choice, though, to tend it in the right direction. We have to, if we want our grandchildren to enjoy their lives at all. The universe is expanding. The collective knowledge of the earth is too, as it becomes a global community. And our sexual organs seem to be expanding as well, because the world’s population is expected to be up from 6 to 9 billion in 2050. The world can’t contain the pressure if we keep doing what we’re doing. Our choice is to be responsible and understanding and respectful of our brothers and sisters all over the globe and unto ourselves. That means fighting lies, fears, and suicidal tendencies as soon as we become aware of them. It means belief in humanity. It means life itself is sacred, as is the earth and universe. Our free will comes down to ushering in the new era, the new big bang of consciousness. Whether or not the origins and destiny of man as I predict are true, I live by them.
So the main point of my theory that I wish everyone to agree with is that hell comes from ignorance of knowledge that God's light is inside of me and gives me all the strength I need; that faith, positivity, compassion, knowledge, wisdom and even fear, sex and power relationships, if all directed to God; if I am constantly participating in the divine, I have chosen to grow. My soul will be every second closer to paradise and heaven on earth is that much closer to becoming manifest because of my actions. If I get hung up on false idols, selfishness, negativity, fear and vicious cycles of illusions of happiness, then I chose to live in hell and make the world and my soul limited. God will send my messages my whole life. Will I chose to listen to them?
Ask yourself this question. Everyone ask yourself this question. We need more leaders and professed warriors. You can chose to accept your destiny or to forget about it because you don’t think it’s tangible enough to be interesting. There’s your free choice.

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